Le Probléme de l’intégration culturelle : entre Paris et le nid de gentilhomme familial

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Prancūzų kalba / French
Le Probléme de l’intégration culturelle : entre Paris et le nid de gentilhomme familial
Alternative Title:
Problem of cultural integration : between Paris and nobles nest
In the Journal:
Česlovo Milošo skaitymai. 2011, 4, p. 108-115. Tėvynės ieškojimas ir tremties patirtys
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: A. Mickevičius; Emigracija; Emigracija, identitetas, integracija, A. Mickevičius, O. Milašius, Č. Milošas, paradigma; Integracija; O. Milašius; Paradigma; Tapatybė; Č. Milošas; A. Mickiewicz; Cz. Milosz; Emigration; Emigration, identity, integration, A. Mickiewicz, O. Milosz, Cz. Milosz, paradigm; Identity; Integration; O. Milosz; Paradigm.

ENThe creative work of three poets – genuine aristocrats in their origin and in their spirit – A. Mickiewicz, O. Miłosz and Cz. Miłosz could be treated as significant paradigm, formed by multicultural personalities. The author of the article analyses the question of national identity in the context of exile experience, under the circumstances of emigratory life in Paris. The main aspects of the article, discussed in detail – emotional states of being of those emigrated from Lithuania in the 19th century, their efforts to preserve their identity, the problems of integration to French society. [From the publication]

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