Kristijonas Donelaitis ir Kristijonas Gotlybas Milkus: kūrėjas ir jo riteris

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Kristijonas Donelaitis ir Kristijonas Gotlybas Milkus: kūrėjas ir jo riteris
Alternative Title:
Kristijonas Donelaitis and Christian Gottlieb Mielcke: a creator and his knight
In the Journal:
Senoji Lietuvos literatūra. 2014, 37, p. 235-256
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojama Kristijono Donelaičio kūrybos recepcija paskutiniais dviem XVIII a. dešimtmečiais. Pirmasis Donelaičio kūrybą įvertino ir jos ištraukas 1800 m. publikavo Kristijonas Gotlybas Milkus (Christian Gottlieb Mielcke): 18 Donelaičio poemos „Metai“ eilučių paskelbta jo parengtos lietuvių kalbos gramatikos poetikos skyriuje, o dvikalbiame lietuvių-vokiečių ir vokiečių-lietuvių žodyne poemos medžiaga iliustruoti kai kurių leksemų vartojimo atvejai. Pažintis su Donelaičio kūryba paskatino Milkų poetikoje suformuluoti tuo metu dar gana novatorišką mintį apie tai, kad poeziją ne tik galima, bet ir būtina kurti šnekamąja lietuvių kalba, kuri iš prigimties esanti kilni. Kristijono Donelaičio kūrybos poveikis justi paties Milkaus eiliavimuose, taip pat 1800 m. išėjusiame jo parengtame pamokslų rinkinyje „Miβknygos“, ypač originaliuose Efraimo Frydricho Meisnerio (Ephraim Friedrich Meissner) pamoksluose. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Literatūra; Rankraščiai; Pirmoji publikacija; Poetinė tradicija; Poezija; Giesmė; Pamokslas.

ENChristian Gottlieb Mielcke was the first contributor to Lithuanian writing who not only understood and appreciated the talent of Kristijonas Donelaitis but also undertook the publishing of fragments of his creative work. Both works in which Mielcke published parts of Donelaitis’ work appeared in Karaliaučius in 1800. These were the grammar "Anfangs=Gruende einer Littau∫chen Sprach=Lehre" and the bilingual dictionary "Littaui∫ch=deut∫ches und Deut∫ch-littaui∫ches Woerter=Buch". In the chapter on poetics, which is a part of the grammar, Mielcke publishes eighteen lines from "The Autumn’s Riches" and "The Cares of Winter" and introduces Donelaitis as a talented creator. In the dictionary, Donelaitis’ narrative poem is widely used to illustrate the use of lexemes. One of the references to the source reveals that while still spreading in a manuscript form, Donelaitis’ poem was already perceived as a whole and had one unofficial title, "The Seasons" (Die Jahres = Ʒeiten). Presumably it was his contact with Donelaitis’ work that encouraged Mielcke to formulate, in the chapter on poetry, an innovative idea for those times that it was not possible but necessary to compose poetry in spoken Lithuanian, which was a noble language by nature. Mielcke attempted to follow Donelaitis’ example in his own poetic work. The collection of sermons "Miβknygos" (The Mass Books), which Mielcke prepared and published in 1800, was another proof that Lithuanian writing was turning towards the spoken language. It was an abridged translation of the postilla by Johann Gottlob Heym, which also included two original sermons by Ephraim Friedrich Meissner. The authorship of these sermons was identified having first recognized the source of the translation of the postilla. The influence of Donelaitis’ work can be discerned in Meissner’s sermons. This shows that Donelaitis’ work was known and was exploited by t.

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