Petro Skargos debatų su Andriumi Volanu istorinė reikšmė

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Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Petro Skargos debatų su Andriumi Volanu istorinė reikšmė
Alternative Title:
Historical significance of the debate between Piotr Skarga and Andreas Volanus
In the Journal:
Senoji Lietuvos literatūra. 2013, 35/36, p. 325-344. Petras Skarga ir Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės kultūra
Summary / Abstract:

LTPetrui Skargai atvykus į Vilnių netrukus tarp šio jėzuito ir reformato Andriaus Volano užsimezgę debatai Eucharistijos/Šventos Vakarienės tema ne tik pasižymėjo aukšta teologine kokybe, bet ir sulaukė didelio rezonanso ano meto visuomenėje. Trukę ilgiau nei dešimtmetį, jie į savo sūkurį įtraukė tiek Lietuvoje (Jonas Lasickis, Stanislovas Sudrovskis, Emanuelis Vega ir kt.), tiek Italijoje (Petras Turianis) veikusius mąstytojus, o iš jų radęsi spaudiniai buvo skaitomi ir Stepono Batoro aplinkoje. Be skirtingai aiškinamų sakramentinio virsmo, kristologijos bei ekleziologijos modelių savo veikaluose kontrahentai taip pat tematizavo Mikalojaus Radvilos Juodojo reformacinę veiklą ir jo sūnaus Mikalojaus Kristupo konversiją. Priešingai nei Skarga, kuris akcentavo Radvilos Juodojo nusivylimą Reformacija paskutiniais gyvenimo metais, Volanas pabrėžė Vilniaus vaivados ištikimybę reformatų konfesijai. Straipsnyje pagrindinis dėmesys skiriamas Skargos ir Volano sukurtų idėjinių konstrukcijų, jų istorinio konteksto ir poveikio analizei. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Petras Skarga; Pro sacratissima eucharistia; Artes duodecim; Andrius Volanas; Defensio orthodoxae sententiae; Idololotriae oppugnatio; Literatūra (lotynų) – XVI amžius; Teologija; Mikalojus Radvila Juodasis, 1515-1565 (Nicholas Radziwill the Black); Transsubstancijacija; Kristologija; Ekleziologija; Konversija.

ENThe debate on the theme of the Eucharist/Holy Communion, which began between Piotr Skarga upon his arrival in Vilnius in 1573 and the Reformer Andreas Volanus resonated widely with the educated public. Over a decade long, it drew the thinkers working in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and in Italy into its whirlpool, while the texts that had evolved from this debate – for instance, Volanus’ "Defensio" – used to be read both by the Protestant-minded gentry and in the environment of Stephen Bathory. The works, which were single-mindedly aimed at the formation of a pro-Catholic / pro-Reformed attitude, were appreciated by their contemporaries and the later generations as high quality means of reflection of theological identity. Skarga’s and Volanus’ publications were important not only for their differentiated theological content, but also from the point of view of the interpretation of the Reformationist activities of Nicholas Radziwiłł the Black. When in the appendix to the book "Artes duodecim" Skarga accentuated Radziwiłł the Black’s disillusionment with the Reformation, Volanus responded with a pro-Reformationist stylization of the voivode of Vilnius in his work "Idololatriae oppugnatio". The models shaped by the participants in this polemical situation remained effective for decades and even centuries to come: Skarga’s variant was taken over by Stanisław Reszka, while Volanas’ variant was absorbed by Andrzej Węgierski and Józef Lukaszewicz. The debate between Skarga and Volanus, which took place in a de facto confessionally pluralistic environment and enabled it structurally, acquired the quality that comprised the foundation of its long-term historical significance only thanks to its dynamic constellation. This, of course, does not imply that at least one of the polemicists was personally able to discover some positive aspects in this confessional pluralism.The children of the 16th century, they both – a Jesuit and a Reformed – viewed the lack of religious integrity in society as a flaw, and with their works sought the victory of the view each of them represented. [From the publication]

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