Korespondencinės analizės panaudojimas archeologijoje : mirusiųjų lyties nustatymas

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Korespondencinės analizės panaudojimas archeologijoje: mirusiųjų lyties nustatymas
Alternative Title:
Use of the correspondence analysis in archaeology: determination of the sex of the deceased
Summary / Abstract:

LTTinkamai duomenų analizei archeologai taiko įvairiausius statistinius metodus. Korespondencinė analizė yra viena populiariausių multidimensinių technikų, besiremiančių seriacijos metodu, pastaraisiais metais naudojamų archeologijoje. Ši technika jau 30 metų daugiau ar mažiau sėkmingai taikoma Vakarų Europos archeologijoje, tačiau Baltijos šalyse ji nėra populiari. Straipsnyje aptariami pagrindiniai korespondencinės analizės veikimo principai, jos taikymas chronologiniams, geografiniams, socialiniams tyrimams. Praktinis technikos taikymas iliustruojamas pristatant mirusiųjų lyties nustatymo, remiantis Vakarų Lietuvos ir Nemuno žemupio kapinynais, tyrimą. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Archeologija; Archeologiniai radiniai; Korespondencinė analizė; Lyties nustatymas; Metodai; Nemuno žemupys; Palaidojimai; Romėniškasis laikotarpis; Seriacijos metodas; Vakarų Lietuva; Archaeological finds; Archaeology; Burials; Correspondence analysis; Gender identification; Lower Nemunas region; Method of seriation; Methods; Roman Period; West Lithuania.

ENArchaeological data are interpreted by different statistical methods, including the correspondence analysis which is one of the most popular seriation based multidimentional techniques, based on seriation, in the contemporary archaeological research. The seriation method draws upon the theoretical idea that the development of material culture is continuous in nature and is driven by fashion and / or the functionally determined mechanisms that make the repetition of the elements follow a double-lens-shaped trajectory over time. The correspondence analysis was developed in France and broadly recognised by Scandinavian archaeologists. Correspondence analysis above all is a technique that determines the structure of the analysed material and presents it in way that makes it possible to analyse it. If the data treated using correspondence analysis can be seriated than both constants (objects / finds) and variables (types / elements) will fall around zero in both axes of the co-ordinate. The more the data meets the criteria of ideal seriation, the more the graph is shaped as an approximate parabola.If correspondence analysis is used to study the data that does not meet seriation criteria, e.g., of several unrelated groups, there will be several data groupings instead of a parabola. Although this technique has enjoyed reasonable success in Western European archaeology for nearly thirty years now, it remains obscure in the Baltic States. The paper discusses the main procedures of correspondence analysis and its use in chronological, geographical, and social research. The practical application of the method is exemplified by identifying the sex of the deceased from the burials of Lithuania and the lower reaches of Nemunas. The success of this research lies in the fact that its findings in terms of gendering graves correlate perfectly with the gender attribution conducted by archaeologists. Furthermore, the current research allows to identify graves of unattributed gender as "female" or "male". Thus, 183 graves previously assumed to be of unidentified or uncertain gender have been gendered. Gender identifications have been lifted from 20 graves as they were clearly attributed to the grave complexes that had both male and female grave gift types. Although these results cannot be considered definitive, this research helps clarify the gender of 203 graves. Despite the possible margin of error, it allows to include many more graves into social research, based on grave complexes in which the gender of the deceased is of utmost importance. [From the publication]

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2020-12-11 13:45:05
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