Prielinksnio dėl konstrukcijos administracinėje lietuvių kalboje

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Prielinksnio dėl konstrukcijos administracinėje lietuvių kalboje
Alternative Title:
Constructions with the preposition "dėl" in the administrative Lithuanian language
In the Journal:
Bendrinė kalba [Standard Language]. 2014, 87, p. 1-9
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Administracinė kalba; Dokumentų pavadinimai; Prielinksniai; Prielinksnis; Semantika; Sintaksė; Žodžio reikšmė; Administrative language; Document titles; Preposition; Prepositions; Semantics; Syntax; Word meaning.

EN"Lietuvių kalbos žodynas" (Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language) and "Dabartinės lietuvių kalbos žodynas" (Modern Lithuanian Dictionary) indicate that in the Lithuanian language the preposition dėl is used to signify a cause, purpose, concession; to highlight the thought of a sentence. These dictionaries do not mention the meanings of an attribute and general content area characteristic to the administrative language. Statistical data show that dėl is the most frequent preposition in the administrative language. The research of the use of constructions with this preposition in 50 European Union documents showed that about three quarters of occurrences in document titles signify an attribute or general content area. The spread of constructions with the preposition dėl in the administrative language has been determined by linguistic conditions: 1) analogy with verbal noun phrases with the preposition dėl; 2) a wider meaning of the preposition dėl enables it to successfully compete with prepositions having a more specific meaning (apie, į), genitival and instrumental phrases, infinitival constructions. Non-linguistic (that of legal regulation) condition is also important – the legislation regulating the preparation of documents suggests a construction with the preposition dėl as a proper expression to be used in titles of many legal acts (rulings, decisions, orders, decrees, etc.). Constructions with the preposition dėl signifying an attribute or general content area in document titles, in cases when they eliminate the usual expression variants from usage, are considered as secondary variants of the norm. [From the publication]

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