LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Daryba; Deminutyvas; Fitonimai; Liaudiški augalų pavadinimai; Liaudiški pavadinimai; Lietuvos tarmės; Motyvacija; Panevėžys; Priesaginė daryba; Semantika; Tarmė; Terminas; Derivation; Dialect; Diminutive; Folk names; Lithuanian dialect; Motivation; Names of plants; Panevėžys; Phytonyms; Semantics; Term; The suffixal derivation.
ENThe aim of this paper is to investigate the motivation aspect of the suffixal derivation of the names of plants. The study revealed that unmotivated plant terms were relatively rare. With regard to the external and internal characteristics, several groups of phytonyms could be distinguished taking into consideration (1) external or internal similarities between the whole plants; (2) the similarities between the plant and the leaves of the other plant; (3) the similarities between the plant and the blossom of the other plant; (4) the similarities between the surfaces of the blossoms and leaves of the plants, and (5) similar external features of the plants. The dialects include a number of the names of plants, the derivational motivation of which does not differ considerably from that of the Latin terms. The most reasonable explanation for this is the fact that languages often borrowed many phytonyms from the Latin language and adapted them instead of creating their own national terms. Correspondingly, the creation of the names of plants in different languages is characterized by similar motivational patterns. [From the publication]