LTMonografijoje nagrinėjamas turto prievartavimas kaip kriminalinis reiškinys ir kaip teisinė kategorija. Studijoje analizuojama turto prievartavimo (reketo) samprata, istoriniai ontologiniai aspektai, pasireiškimo formos ir raidos tendencijos, turto prievartavimo kaip teisinės kategorijos ištakos ir raida. Daugiausia dėmesio darbe skiriama turto prievartavimo nusikaltimo sudėčių, įtvirtintų galiojančiame ir naujai priimtame Lietuvos Respublikos baudžiamuosiuose kodeksuose, analizei, turto prievartavimo kvalifikavimo problemoms. Atliktas tyrimas orientuotas á teisėjų, prokurorų ir kitų teisėsaugos institucijų pareigūnų poreikius turėti išsamių mokslinių rekomendacijų sudėtingų nusikaltimų kvalifikavimo klausimais. Knyga taip pat skirta visiems, kurie studijuoja baudžiamąją teisę arba domisi šios teisės šakos moksline problematika.Reikšminiai žodžiai: Turto prievartavimas; Ištakos; Baudžiamoji teisė; Savavaldžiavimas; Plėšimas; Extortion; Origins; Criminal law; Lithuania; Arbitrariness; Robbery.
EN[...] Extortion is one of the most complicated construction of a special part of the Criminal Code, thus courts and other judicial institutions meet with difficulties giving legal qualification of such a criminal conduct. The research presents scientific proposals for different ways of explaining and using the law on extortion as well as its delimitation from other crimes. The monograph is to aid to judicial institutions to comprehend the nature of racket and put into practice the laws on extortion and related crimes. At the same time it will serve a purpose of forming equal judicial practice. The set forth suggestions can be used to formulate the definition of extortion and a number of other crimes in the new Criminal Code draft. The research is based on legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania and foreign countries, the official interpretation of law, materials from criminal cases, literature on criminal law, criminology, civil law and other branches of science. In the first chapter of the work, the author analyses the criminological notion of organized extortion (racket) and historical ontological aspects of its origin, forms and basic tendencies. [...] In the second chapter of the monograph, the author analyses the historical roots of the legal notion of extortion in Roman law and its development up till now. [...]The mental element of the extortion is analyzed as a separate issue of the third chapter. The fourth chapter of the research is dedicated to the questions of aggravating circumstances, provided in the law on extortion, and related problems of qualification of aggravated crimes. [...] The fifth chapter deals with the relation between extortion and crimes resembling it: robbery and arbitrariness. At the end of the work the author makes suggestions for the optimum regulations of extortion in the new criminal code of the Republic of Lithuania. [From the publication]