LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Darbo pasidalijimas namų ūkyje; Lyties vaidmuo; Lytis; Lyčių santykiai; Lyčių vaidmenys; Namų ruoša; Namų ruoša, darbo pasidalijimas, lyčių vaidmenys, studentų požiūris; Namų ruošos pasidalijimas; Universiteto studentai; Gender; Gender relations; Gender role; Household division of labor; Household division of labour; Housework; Housework, labour division, gender roles, students' attitudes; Sex role; Sex-role; University students.
ENThe aim of this study is to explore student sex-role orientation and their beliefs about household division of labor. One hundred forty-eight students (52 males and 96 females) from LCC International University in Klaipėda, Lithuania, participated in the study. The results show statistically significant differences in masculinity and femininity scores, but no differences in androgynous sex-role orientation among males and females. The majority of participants believe that most chores should be shared by both spouses. However, certain chores, such as household repairs and automobile maintenance, are still considered to be predominantly male chores, while beliefs about such tasks as washing dishes and childcare differ among genders. [From the publication]