Rygos miesto partneriai Lietuvoje nuo valstybės susidarymo iki Livonijos karo pradžios

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Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Rygos miesto partneriai Lietuvoje nuo valstybės susidarymo iki Livonijos karo pradžios
Alternative Title:
Riga's partners in Lithuania from the formation of the state until the onset of the Livonian war
In the Book:
Istorijos akiračiai / redakcinė komisija: Edmundas Rimša (pirmininkas). Vilnius: Lietuvos istorijos instituto leidykla, 2004. P. 53-64
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Ekonomikos istorija; Lietuvos Didžioji Kunigaikštystė (LDK; Grand Duchy of Lithuania; GDL); Lietuvos miestai; Partneriai; Pirkliai; Prekyba; Prekybiniai santykiai; Ryga; Commerce relations; Economic history; Lithuanian cities; Merchants; Partners; Riga; The Grand Duchy of Lithuania; Trade.

ENThere was a slight chronological gap between the foundation of the city of Riga and the establishment of the Lithuanian state. Since their very appearance these two political powers, like other political entities of Livonia and Lithuanian towns, could not but make contacts in various spheres of life, in particular in politics and trade. However, a glance at the historical syntheses of the city of Riga shows that it was not always so. True, attention was paid to such important partners of Riga as Polotsk, Vitebsk and Smolensk, which between the latter half of the thirteenth and the beginning of the fifteenth centuries were a part of the Lithuanian state. Meanwhile the relations of the Lithuanian state proper or the towns of Lithuanian lands with the city of Riga have been dealt with only episodically (the political relations at the beginning of the fourteenth century) or simply overlooked - thus, Vilnius is not mentioned at all. At the same time Lithuanian historiography has done significant groundwork in the research of the contacts between the Lithuanian state, its merchants and Riga in the Middle Ages and at the start of modern times. True, there still exist great thematic and chronological gaps and a number of topics and important episodes still await their treatment Despite these shortcomings an attempt in this paper is made on the basis of historical scholarship to look at the relations between Lithuania and Riga in the context of the activity of the groups of Lithuanian partners in that city. In addition to historiography, which furnishes insufficient material for the presentation of the topic, other available sources, both published and archival, are also exploited. The search of unpublished sources is more of a prospecting nature, therefore the presentation of the Lithuanian partners of Riga and the spheres of their activity will often be hypothetical and require further analysis. [...]. [From the publication]

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