LTKnyga parengta daktaro disertacijos, apgintos Lietuvos teisės universitete 1999 m., pagrindu. Leidinyje nagrinėjamos nusikalstamo banko kredito gavimo arba teisėtai gauto banko kredito nusikalstamo panaudojimo atvejai ir tokių veikų kvalifikavimo ypatumai. Studijoje išnagrinėtos 1961 m. ir 2000 m. redakcijų Lietuvos Respublikos baudžiamojo kodekso sukčiavimo, turtinės žalos padarymo apgaule, kreditinio sukčiavimo, turto pasisavinimo, turto išvaistymo ir kredito panaudojimo ne pagal paskirtį sudėtys, baudžiamojo įstatymo taikymo, atsižvelgiant į kreditinių santykių specifiką, problemos. Knyga skiriama visiems, kurie domisi nusikalstamų veikų, padarytų valstybės ūkinėje apyvartoje ir ypač kredito apyvartoje, kvalifikavimu.Reikšminiai žodžiai: Banko kreditas; Nusikalstamas banko kredito panaudojimas; Nusikalstama veikla; Sukčiavimas; Baudžiamasis kodeksas; Bank lending; Crimes in bank lending; Crime; Criminal codes.
ENDuring the last decade Lithuanian society has moved from the old political and economic system to the new one. The period after restoration of independence saw rapid development of economic relations. However, crimes against economy were growing in number just as fast and maybe even faster. Crimes in bank lending sphere are one of these. The crisis in Lithuanian banking system shattered the society, pauperized people and companies, however it was at that time that a number of negative aspects in the Lithuanian banking system came to light. The current situation in the lending market seems to be dormant, which may be accounted for by rather conservative banking policies and more professional banking activity. What we have learned from experience of western economies is that crime against bank lending is always present and gets ever more complicated, whereas law enforcement and justice officers face problems of legal evaluation of factual circumstances and qualification of activity conducted against bank lending practices. These circumstances have moved the author to write a thesis on „Activities related to illegal reception and abuse of credit and problems of its criminal evaluation“. The thesis was defended at the Law University in Lithuania in 1999. The book comes as a summary of the research conducted by the author. It gives analysis of six types of corpus delicti i.e. fraud, infliction of losses due to swindle, fraud in lending, misappropriation of property, embezzlement or abuse of credit and loan. Analysis of corpus delicti of the following crimes was based on the 1961 and 2000 edition of Criminal codes. The author gives general theoretical and practical aspects of examination of the mentioned corpus delicti and its application and discloses specifics of application of law in qualification of activities conducted against bank lending practices.The opinion provided in the book may at times be different from the general one, moreover the author „dared“ to question the long–standing court practice formed by the Supreme Court of Lithuania. However the author does not think that his opinion is „the ultimate truth“ and the reader is free to criticize and provide his own arguments. We hope that the book will be useful to university students, on the other hand experienced practitioners should find food for thought here as well. [From the publication]