Senovės istorijos žinių sklaida žurnale "Židinys" 1924-1940 m.

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Senovės istorijos žinių sklaida žurnale "Židinys" 1924-1940 m
Alternative Title:
Spread of ancient history knowledge in the journal "Židinys" (1924-1940)
In the Journal:
Summary / Abstract:

LTDarbe analizuojamas 1924-1940 m. leistame katalikiškos-filosofinės orientacijos žurnale „Židinys“ publikuotuose straipsniuose vyravęs požiūris į aptariamas senovės istorijos problemas. Darbo tekstinėje dalyje žurnalo straipsnius stengiamasi aptarti bendrame tarpukario istorinės literatūros kontekste. Siekiant įvertinti „Židinio“ straipsniuose dėstomų minčių informatyvumą ir originalumą, jie yra lyginami su panašias mintis išsakančiais arba ryškiausiai oponuojančiais to meto visuotinės istorijos žinių teikusiais šaltiniais. Daugelis „Židinio“ publikacijų nebuvo orientuotos į naujos medžiagos pateikimą, tačiau dažnas senovės istorijos procesų siejimas su laikmečio problemomis skatino suvokti nūdienos reiškinių šaknis praeityje, taip įprasminant istorijos žinias. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Katalikiška spauda; Krikščionybės istorija; Senovės Graikija; Senovės Roma; Senovės istorija, antikinė kultūra, graikų filosofija, krikščionybė; Žurnalas "Židinys"; Ancient Greece; Ancient History, Ancient Culture, Greek Philosophy, Christianity; Ancient Rome; Catholic press; History of christianity; Magazine "Židinys".

ENThe thesis focuses on the analysis of the ancient times historical awareness presented to the society in 1924-1940 by the catholic-philosophical journal "Židinys". The aim of the thesis is to reveal the character of the published articles in this journal and the dominated attitude towards the discussed historical issues of ancient times. Historical examples provided by the authors determined the spread of the wide general historical awareness. Even though they were not oriented to the presentation of the new material, the relation of historical questions of ancient times to the problems of that time encouraged the perception of today's phenomena roots in the past and gave sense to the general historical awareness. The mentality description of ancient times nations next to the given information led to the perception that both people behaviour and the history process are determined not only by the material but also by the psychological factors. The mentality of Hellenes and Romans attracted a close attention of the authors of publications. That was determined by the large cultural heritage of these nations, which were closely related to contemporary topicalities. Hellenes were evaluated very positively due to their merits for science and art, while evaluation of Romans was not so positive.The main cause of such evaluation was that the authors of "Židinys" publications wrote mostly about the society of Rome disintegration period. The Christianity was described as the connector of ancient times and the Middle world. The scientific articles, written on the basis of dissertation, by the historian Juozas Jakštas were the most significant to the formation of such attitude. By presenting continuity theory developed by Vienna university professor Alfonsas Dopšas, the author presented the new historian science conception which stated that "the so-called Middle Ages are the outcome of the ancient evolution". The Hellenes philosophy was described largely. It was evaluated as the progenitor of all kinds of science. The ideas of Hellenes philosophy were up-to-date according to contemporary relevance, therefore certainly influenced a world-view of reader. Moreover, "Židinys" publications reached the level of contemporary specialized philosophical volumes by the size of spreading philosophical knowledge. However, despite the spread of philosophical information, the size of spreading knowledge of another kinds of science was poor. The publications about ancient literature and art were not so popular in "Židinys" as in the other contemporary periodical journals. Nevertheless, "Židinys" articles informed the reader about the relationship of antiquity literature, the art relation with religion, mythology and politics. [From the publication]

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