Jaunimo laisvalaikis ir socializacija sovietmečio Lietuvos kaime : šokių vakarai Kėdainių rajone

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Jaunimo laisvalaikis ir socializacija sovietmečio Lietuvos kaime: šokių vakarai Kėdainių rajone
Alternative Title:
Youth leisure and socialization during the Soviet period in the Lithuanian countryside: dance parties in the Kėdainiai district
In the Journal:
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje gvildenamas vienas iš linksmiausių, turiningiausių jaunimo laisvalaikio leidimo būdų – šokiai. Jų metu buvo ne tik šokama, bet ir bendraujama, išmokstama tam tikrų elgesio normų, neretai surandant gyvenimo partnerį. Sovietmečio laikotarpiu visą žmogaus gyvenimą ėmus prižiūrėti centralizuotiems valdžios organams, pakito ne tik kasdieninis žmogaus gyvenimas, bet ir šokiai, jaunimo elgsena, pažiūros, gyvenimo būdas. Darbe siekta atskleisti, ar sovietmečiu jaunimo šokių vakaruose dar tebebuvo tęsiamos senosios etninės kultūros tradicijos. Tirta, kokios jos buvo ir kaip keitėsi Kėdainių rajone XX amžiaus 5-9 dešimtmečiais: apžvelgti šokių vakarų organizavimo ypatumai; aptarti šokių vakarų lankytojai, jų išvaizdos pokyčiai; apibūdintos elgesio taisyklės šokių vakaro metu; aptarti šokių metu kilę konfliktai bei jų priežastys; nustatyti jaunimo šokių pokyčiai. Tyrimo metu paaiškėjo, kad Kėdainių rajono jaunimo rengtų šokių sovietizmas nepaveikė. Juose pavyko išlaikyti senąsias etnines vertybes. Didžiausius pokyčius lėmė ne 50 metų trukęs Lietuvos sovietinimas, o visame pasaulyje plintantis globalizmas. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Jaunimas; Jaunimo laisvalaikis; Kėdainių apskritis; Kėdainių rajonas; Socializacija; Sovietmetis; Šokiai; Šokių vakarai; Dances; Dancing Party; Kėdainiai district; Socialization; Soviet period; Soviet time; Youth; Youth leisure.

EN[…] The research object is - youth dance parties in the area of Kėdainiai and the shift in their traditions during the period of 1940 to 1990. Shifting traditions of these dances are analyzed through the specific organizing of dance evenings, people who attend the dances and their appearance, as well as, through general rules of behavior of young people at the dance and conflicts that appear during the evening. The methods used in the paper are historical-comparative and descriptive. Research data was collected using semi-structured interviews. 51 respondents, all living in the area of Kėdainiai were questioned. The article consists of two big parts: 'Organizing of the dance' and 'the rules of visiting the dances and etiquette of participation'. The first part is divided into four sections where the names of the dance parties are described together with their location, music played during the dance and spreading information about the dances as well as summoning young people to the dance. In the sections of the second part visitors of the dances are more widely described, including their appearance, together with rules of common courtesy in the dance parties and the conflicts that occur during the dance. The article is illustrated by table and two pictures. The table shows information about the age and quantity of the informers. First picture shows the most popular dances danced at the dance parties. Second picture shows reasons for caused conflicts.The most conflicts were between local young people and new comers. It could be described as "Binary opposition collision", mentioned by C. Levi-Strauss. Broadly speaking, traditional behavior acceptable since before the Second World War still prevails in the 60's. Modesty, restraint is observed in both - girls and boys. The most notable loss of tradition and change in dance parties is noticed in the 70's. During this period there is a change in location of the dances, their names, music that is played and the appearance of the people. The behavior of youth becomes freer together with rules of conduct for girls. The only thing that remains unchanged during the whole researched period is the etiquette of inviting a girl for a dance. The most common reason for conflict among youth is jealousy. Another very important thing is for a young man to prove his self-worth, the protection of his territory, when the conflict between local boys and the ones who came from outside arises - it is called the opposition of local and foreign. The survey reveals that dances organized in Kėdainiai district in Soviet period, were not influenced by Soviets. Ethnic spirit and values were well maintained in the dance parties. The biggest changes in dance parties were influenced by the process of globalization not the soviet ideology. The result was music players, records of foreign musicians, discos, fashionable youth apparel reaching Lithuania. During the Soviet period in the youth dance parties youth socialization, maturation and preparation for marriage could have been observed - it was common for a Lithuanian village. [From the publication]

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