Współczesna sytuacja językowa na Litwie: aspekt geolingwistyczny i nowe możliwości opisu

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lenkų kalba / Polish
Współczesna sytuacja językowa na Litwie: aspekt geolingwistyczny i nowe możliwości opisu
Alternative Title:
Contemporary linguistic situation in Lithuania: geolinguistic aspects and new descriptive possibilities
In the Journal:
Acta Baltico-Slavica. 2013, Nr. 37, p. 459-471
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Geolingvistika; Lenkų tarmės; Lietuvių kalbos atlasas; Lietuvių kalbos tarmių klasifikacija; Lietuvių tarmių atlasas; Lietuvių tarmių klasifikacija; Atlas of the Lithuanian; Classification of the Lithuanian dialects; Classification of the Lithuanian dialects, atlas of the Lithuanian; Dialects; Dialects, Polish dialects; Geolinguistics; Polish dialects.

ENThe purpose of this article is to present the latest dialectological research conducted in Lithuania based on the achievements of dialectology as a science. Primary attention will be devoted to the presentation of the latest research project, carried out in 2011–2014, and headed by prof. Danguolė Mikulėnienė at the Institut of the Lithuanian Language. The project involved 33 dialectologists, including specialists in Slavic dialects. This project is a continuation of earlier studies conducted in Lithuania by well-known Lithuanian dialectologists. The project takes advantage of their accomplishments and achievements, but at the same time it considers new aspects of the research and applies contemporary methodologies; thus, it gives rise to a new stage of the dialectological research in Lithuania. Lithuanian dialects are described in the context of the complicated language situation in many dialectal regions of Lithuania. What is more, the research project takes into account the effects of other language codes on dialects of Lithuanian in terms of synchronic and diachronic dimensions, and aims at description of the consequences of such interactions. This project is based not only in traditional dialectology, but also on methodologies developed by other branches of linguistics, such as sociolinguistics, ethnolinguistics and geolinguistics. [From the publication]

0065-1044; 2392-2389
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