LTReikšminiai žodžiai: 1927-1948; Gelgaudiškio kredito kooperatyvas; Gelgaudiškio smulkaus kredito draugija; Gelgaudiškio valsčiaus skolinamoji taupomoji kasa; Gelgaudiškis; Istorija; Kredito kooperatyvas; Lietuvos ūkininkai; Lokalinė istorija; Paskolos; Struktūra; Vaidmuo; Veikla; Ūkininkai; 1927-1948; Credit cooperative; Farmers; Farmers of Lithuania; Function; Gelgaudiškis; Gelgaudiškis District Loan Saving Fund; Gelgaudiškis Small Credit Society; History; Loans; Local history; Role; Structure; The Credit cooperative in Gelgaudškis.
ENBased on few original sources, for the first time, the history of credit enterprises in Gelgaudiškis Valsčius was analysed. The activities of the Gelgaudiškis Small Credit Society (SKD), its administrative structure, functions and role were studied in detail. The first crediting enterprise in Gelgaudiškis was established in about 1912 and was registered as the Gelgaudiškis Gmina Loan Savings Fund that was giving loans to farmers for their mortgaged land. In 1927-1940 the Gelgaudiškis SKD being of cooperative type united mainly farmers. The SKD given loans, small and short-term, supported the cooperative members in improving the farming and living conditions. In 1928-1939 the SKD managed to raise the turnover 8 times and lending 9.8 times. At the beginning of 1941, the Gelgaudiškio SKD was sovietised and turned into an enterprise to introduce the Soviet power policies. SKD was renamed into the Agricultural Credit Society; under this status it also operated in 1945-1948 to provide long-term loans to most poor peasants. [From the publication]