Lietuvių ir latvių kalbų fonemų akustinių požymių lyginamosios analizės prielaidos

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lietuvių ir latvių kalbų fonemų akustinių požymių lyginamosios analizės prielaidos
Alternative Title:
Pressupossitions of phonemes acoustic signs analysis of Lithuanian and Lettish
In the Journal:
Žmogus kalbos erdvėje. 2001, 1, p. 155-158
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Balsiai; Baltų kalbos; Dvigarsiai; Fonemų akustiniai požymiai; Fonetika; Fonologija; Garsų požymiai; Instrumentiniai garsų tyrimai; Latvių kalba; Latvių kalbos fonetika; Lietuvių kalbos fonetika; Priebalsiai; Tartis; Acoustic features of phonemes; Baltic languages; Consonants; Diphthongs; Instrumental investigation of sounds; Latvian language; Lettish phonetics; Lithuanian phonetics; Phonetics; Phonology; Pronunciation; Sound chatactetistics; Vowels.

ENThe Lithuanian and Lettish languages belong to the East Balts Group of Indo-European Language Family Baits Branch. From all the Baltic Languages they two have survived. Lithuanian phonology problems are investigated rather widely. However in the meanwhile there is not any thorough comparative work of Lithuanian and Lettish phonetics. Almost the only attempt to compare the phonetic systems of these languages is Latvių kalba by J. Kabelka. The quantitative and qualitative characteristics of each language are different. Phonemic Lithuanian and Lettish are not an exception. Their phonetic systems are different too. In the meanwhile there has not been done any instrumental investigation of Lithuanian and Lettish sounds. The comparative analysis of Lithuanian and Lettish phonetic systems would be useful for scientists, the users of Lithuanian and Lettish, for the people who study Lithuanian or Lettish. The investigations carried out during the experiments would let establish Lithuanian and Lettish peculiarities, which would help to reveal specific features of Lithuanian and Lettish. [From the publication]

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