Mokyklos bendruomenės taryba - juridinė ar vidaus gyvenimo norma?

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Mokyklos bendruomenės taryba - juridinė ar vidaus gyvenimo norma?
Alternative Title:
Council of school community - the norm of legal acts or the manner of life?
In the Book:
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje aptariamos savivaldos ir bendruomeniškumo raiška plėtojantis demokratijai itin svarbioje Nepriklausomos valstybės institucijoje - mokykloje. Autorius svarsto, kiek mokyklos tarybos reikalingumas išplaukia iš žmonių (tėvų, mokinių, mokytojų) vidinio poreikio, o kiek tai tėra mokyklos gyvenimą reglamentuojančių juridinių aktų primetama norma. Pateikiamos kai kurios sociologinio tyrimo, atlikto Anykščių miesto mokyklose, išvados, atskleidžiamas ryšys tarp bendruomeniškumo, pilietiškumo ir savivaldos. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Bendruomeniškumas; Bendruomenės taryba; Mokykla, bendruomenės taryba, švietimas, juridinė norma; Mokyklos savivalda; Mokyklos savivalda, bendruomenės taryba, švietimo proceso kaita, pilietiškumas, bendruomeniškumas, juridinė norma; Pilietiškumas; Citizenship; School self-governance, community council, changes in education, citizenship, sense of community, legal norms; School self-government; School, community council, education, legal norms; Sense of community; The council of community.

ENThe author analyses if the council of school is the result of legal norms set by the government or the necessity arising from the manner of life of school community. The research in three schools of Anykščiai was conducted in order to find out the main aspects of functioning of school councils. The members of the council of three schools (60 respondents) and experts (45 respondents) - randomly selected members of schools community were the target group of research. The results of research confirmed the hypothesis that the council of school community is the result of legal norms but not the inner necessity of school. 81% of respondents found the council of school as necessary body, which helps them to solve problems and build democracy at school. However, the members of the council of school limit their activities till formal ones' meetings, discussions, etc., but do not use other informal forms of communication - cultural or social events, holidays and etc. The conclusion: there is no inner necessity for such activities. Although most of respondents support the existence of council of school, believe in its influence solving school problems. It makes us to believe that in the future the council of school will pW important role in democracy development process. [From the publication]

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2019-03-28 20:48:46
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