Universiteto dėstytojų didaktinė veikla: reali praktika, problemos, poreikiai

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Universiteto dėstytojų didaktinė veikla: reali praktika, problemos, poreikiai
Alternative Title:
University faculty didactic activities: real practice, problems, needs
In the Journal:
Andragogika. 2014, Nr. 1 (5), p. 65-85
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojama aktuali universitetui ir akademinei bendruomenei mokslinė problema: reali universiteto dėstytojų didaktinės veiklos praktika, problemos ir kvalifikacijos tobulinimo poreikiai. Remiantis kokybinio tyrimo duomenimis, atlikta analizė, ieškant atsakymų į pagrindinius probleminius tyrimo klausimus: dėstytojų, einančių pagrindines pareigas, reali didaktinės veiklos praktika, dėstytojų veiklos, vaidmens, studentų mokymosi konceptualizavimas, veiklos problemos, dėstytojų tęstinio mokymosi poreikiai (didaktiniai, dalykiniai, tyrimo, vadybiniai ir kt.). Analizuojamas universiteto administracijos atstovų požiūris į dėstytojų didaktinės veiklos praktiką, pateikiami dėstytojų veiklos problemų sprendimų variantai, numatoma, kokias aukštojo mokslo didaktikos, profesionalumo tobulinimo ir kt. mokslinių tyrimų kryptis būtų galima projektuoti, remiantis šiuo tyrimu. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Didaktinė veikla; Dėstytojai; Reali praktika; Universitetas; Didactic activities; Didactic activity; Lecturers; Real practice; Teachers; University.

ENThe article consists of two main parts: introduction and the presentation of research results, conclusions and references. The introduction presents the relevance of the subject, scientific research problem, the main research issues and the research design. The second part presents the research results, obtained after the analysis of the interviews data, from group discussions and during the observation of faculty activity (lectures). More than half of surveyed teachersʼ real didactic practices are focused on the knowledge transfer and the lecturer, but not on the student and his learning. Therefore teachers understand their activity quite narrow, since it is not evaluated by the student, as an active player‘s learning role. Teachersʼ real activity (lectures) observation revealed that the declared higher education didactics achievements are very different from the actual teachersʼ practice didactic activities. The research revealed the multiple nature of teachers performance problems, which can be divided into the relative didactic, research character, activity, managerial and others. But by the research interview results, it can be said that didactic performance problems dominate. Group discussions with representatives of the University Administration, found that they qualify teachers didactic practices not unequivocally: some assert that didactic activity of teachersʼ with many years of practice is effective, however, the study showed that the didactic activity is focused on students and the facilitation of their learning, does not depend on the available high seniority. On the opinion of other heads of the Administration, learning quality is undergoing improvement, because the public attitude to teacher professionalism changes within the context of its existing competencies not only the knowledge of the subject, but also within actual practice of didactic context. Teachersʼ didactic practices according.Teachersʼ didactic practices according to their dependence on one or other unit is different. Among the surveyed representatives of CSI, there is none who falls into the second category of informants (activities related to knowledge transfer and the instructor). It is assumed, that andragogy helps teachers to solve didactic problems. Study (questionnaire and interviews) showed the means to solve academic activities problems, to respond to identified needs of continuing education: constant training, seminars, courses, inviting external or own lecturers, experience sharing events based on self-help basis. Questionnaire survey identified quite precisely formulated qualification event themes that relate to the teachers identified problems. Based on this study, a more detailed and larger-scale study of Klaipeda University and other institutions of higher education in the region are possible to design. Another research direction can be linked to the teachersʼ performance of social representations dynamics, teachersʼ professional integration problems and others. [From the publication]

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