Aukštojo mokslo finansavimas ir plėtra pirmojoje Lietuvos Respublikoje

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Aukštojo mokslo finansavimas ir plėtra pirmojoje Lietuvos Respublikoje
Alternative Title:
Financing and development of higher education in the first Republic of Lithuania
In the Journal:
Pedagogika. 2006, 81, p. 7-16
Dotnuva; Kaunas. Kauno kraštas (Kaunas region); Lietuva (Lithuania); Aukštasis mokslas. Studijos / Higher education. Study; Valstybės finansai. Biudžetas / Public finance. Budget; Mokykla / School.
Summary / Abstract:

LTLietuva visais laikais skyrė didelį dėmesį švietimo sistemos plėtrai, siekė, kad kuo daugiau žmonių įgytų ne tik pradinį ar vidurinį, bet ir aukštąjį išsilavinimą. Ši problema buvo ypač aktuali pirmosios Lietuvos Respublikos gyvavimo laikotarpiu, nes, atkūrus nepriklausomybę, aukštojo mokslo sistemą reikėjo kurti praktiškai iš naujo. Straipsnyje analizuojama to meto švietimo sistemos būklė, vyriausybės pastangos steigti aukštąsias mokyklas, jos galimybės finansuoti jaunimo studijas ir aukštojo mokslo plėtrą, siekti, kad Lietuva nestokotų aukštos kvalifikacijos specialistų, reikalingų jos vystymuisi ir ateičiai užtikrinti. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Švietimo sistema; Aukštasis mokslas; Studijų plėtra; Biudžetas; Mokestis už mokslą; Stipendijos; Education system; Higher education; Studies development; Budget; Payment; Stipends.

ENThe re-creation and development of higher education was one of priorities of the first Republic of Lithuania. On 16 February 1922 the first higher school – the University of Lithuania was established in Kaunas. In 1930, when commemorating the 400th death anniversary of Vytautas the Great, the University was named after him. During its existence (1922-1939) the University prepared 3.5 thousand qualified specialists. In 1918-1920 more higher educational institutions were founded in Lithuania, which were fully or partly financed from the state budget. According to significance the second important higher school was the Academy of Agriculture. It was established in Dotnuva in 1924. The Academy was financed by the state. Later more higher educational establishments were founded in Lithuania. The Lithuanian government supported studies financially, allocated funds to build new buildings, acquire laboratory equipment, etc. From 1922 to 1940 the state allocated about LTL 5 million to the establishment and development of new schools. It was not enough to support studies. Students had to pay for tuition themselves, therefore studying at higher educational establishments was a privilege of the rich and well-off people. Though circumstances were difficult, an effective system of higher education was created in 1918-1940. The staff of teachers increased, the content of teaching was established, new original textbooks and teaching aids were prepared. They were aimed at developing the nation’s culture, morals and sociability.

1392-0340; 2029-0551
2019-07-28 14:25:36
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