Kalendorinių švenčių diskursas sovietinėje Lietuvos periodikoje. II dalis: 1964–1990 m.

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Kalendorinių švenčių diskursas sovietinėje Lietuvos periodikoje. II dalis: 1964–1990 m
Alternative Title:
Discourse of annual festivals in Lithuanian periodicals during Soviet times. Part II. 1964–1990
In the Journal:
Lituanistica. 2014, Nr. 2, p. 118-133
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje nagrinėjamas kalendorinių švenčių diskursas Lietuvos spaudoje 1964–1990 m. pradžioje (1). Tai antra darbo dalis, skirta metinių švenčių diskursui sovietmečio viešojoje erdvėje nagrinėti (2). Aptariama šio diskurso specifika, ją nulėmusios priežastys, diskurso poveikis realioms švenčių tradicijoms. Atskirai apibūdinamos to meto periodikoje dažniausiai minėtos metinės šventės, išskiriamos atskiros šių kalendorinių švenčių diskurso siužetinės linijos, apibūdinami kalendorinių švenčių vaizdavimo spaudoje 1964–1985 m. ir 1985–1990 m. pradžioje ypatumai. Tyrimo metodai – turinio analizė, sisteminimas, interpretavimas. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Sovietmetis; Metinės šventės; Sovietinė Lietuvos periodika; Tiesa; Švenčių diskursas; Soviet times; Calendar holidays; Media of Soviet Lithuania; Tiesa; Discourse of holidays.

ENEvery historical period is reflected in public discourse and likewise gradually forms and firms certain public opinion re phenomena that are represented. The article deals with the issue concerning the public discourse of annual festivals and memorial days presented in the media of Soviet Lithuania. The study of the daily newspaper Tiesa that was the official paper of the Communist Party of Lithuania and the Supreme Soviet of the Lithuanian SSR is taken as a typical example. The article consists of two correlated parts. In the first part the appropriate discourse during the Stalinism and the Khrushchev era was discussed (the article was published in 2013). This part of the research presents the character of respective discourse during the periods of the so-called Soviet stagnation (1964–1985) and "Perestroika" (1985 – the beginning of 1990’s). Sure, all public discourse concerning real lifestyle during the Soviet period was a huge propaganda and highly differed from real life. This inadequacy of public discourse to reality covered various aspects of life including celebration of annual holidays. People in the late Soviet society were fairly accustomed to inadequacy of private and public life and usually understood its nonsense. Some of festivals were presented and observed in public, others (more traditional ones) were widely celebrated in the private sphere. On the other hand, it is impossible to completely deny the fact that festivals re soviet propaganda even recognizing their ideological content were already a natural and integral part of social lifestyle of those times. The main structure of the Soviet ritual year during the period remained similar to the previous Soviet times.The year was structured by the two major Soviet holidays – the May Day and the annual commemoration of the Great October Socialist Revolution. Each Soviet holiday was an occasion to publish a wide range of texts glorifying the Soviet system, the Soviet leaders, the Communist Party, and the like. Other festivals changed slightly. More attention became given to commemorate Leninas’ birthday (April 22), to describe compulsory working bees correlated with this day as well as to remind the Victory Day (May 9). The interpretation of the Women’s day (March 8) assumed a slightly different meaning: the explanation of the day as a "workwomen’s day" converted to its interpretation as “International Women’s Day”. In 1988’s relating to huge political economical changes in the Soviet Union, re the beginning of its collapse, the loss of impact of Communists and the huge revival of Lithuanians national striving, public discourse in general and re annual festivals in particular highly transformed. Public memory was refreshed with the actually important dates of Lithuanian history. Gradually traditional calendar holidays were remembered too. [From the publication]

0235-716X; 2424-4716
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