Bajorai baltarusiškų Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės pavietų žemės teismo knygose. Teisinis aspektas

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Bajorai baltarusiškų Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės pavietų žemės teismo knygose. Teisinis aspektas
Alternative Title:
Nobles in the land court books of Belarusian districts of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Legal aspects
In the Journal:
Lituanistica. 2014, Nr. 1, p. 14-27
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje pristatomas LDK dabartinių „baltarusiškų“ pavietų XVI a. paskutiniojo trečdalio žemės teismo knygų kompleksas, saugomas Baltarusijos NIA Minske. Apibūdinama išlikusios medžiagos chronologija ir lokalizacija, taip pat išlikusių knygų tematinis turinys, jų teisminiai įrašai. Aptarta istorinė medžiaga sudaro prielaidas tolesniam kokybiniam šio šaltinių komplekso tyrimui. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: LDK pavietų žemės teismai; Žemės teismų knygų sandara; Teisinė kultūra; LDK bajorija; District land courts in GDL; Content of land court books; Legal culture; Nobility of GDL.

ENThe article analyses manuscript land court books of the districts of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (GDL) surviving in the National Historical Archives of Belarus in Minsk. The archives are home to 41 manuscript land court books of the so called "Belarusian" (Brest, Grodna, Slonim and Vitebsk) post-reform districts of the GDL (until 1600). The books stand out by their thematic diversity but their content differs from the material of equivalent districts of the Lithuanian part of the GDL only marginally. The books under discussion constitute a quantitative and qualitative supplement to the material of land court books of Lithuanian districts of the GDL, enabling a more in-depth coverage of the work of land courts and the activities of the nobility in them and composing a panorama of all land courts in the GDL of that time. Like the Lithuanian part of the GDL, the records in the land court books of “Belarusian” districts can be subdivided into notarial and judicial-procedural. Notarial records dominate in the majority of the books under analysis. The given examples of the records from the books indicate that district land court books could also record such documents which were not directly related to court functions or belonged to the competence of a different district court. Even though nearly all land court books contain some judicial-procedural records, the number of court judgements is usually rather low and makes up from one-fifth to one-third of all non-notarial records in the books. The article provides a relatively rare group of land court records – family disputes; one divorce document is fully re-recorded in the supplement to the article.Manuscript district land court books of the GDL are an especially valuable reflection of the judicial aspect in the life of the nobility. They are made twice as interesting for us by the fact that in addition to judicial-procedural matters, they record a number of notarial issues or daily facts of the nobility. In addition to the aforesaid, the recording of judicial complaints or losses in land court books shows the intention to have a judicial advantage in the litigation with offenders. These moments show an important formation and strengthening of legal culture in the noble self-consciousness. The material discussed in the article creates preconditions for a broader generalisation of the material of land court books from the entire territory of the GDL in the future. [From the publication]

0235-716X; 2424-4716
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