Pasiruošimas Kalėdų šventėms vilniečių šeimose : stresas ar malonumas?

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Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Pasiruošimas Kalėdų šventėms vilniečių šeimose : stresas ar malonumas?
Alternative Title:
Preparation for Christmas Festivals in the families of Vilnius citizens : Is it a stress or a pleasure?
In the Journal:
Lituanistica. 2013, Nr. 4, p. 316-327
Summary / Abstract:

LTDovanų dovanojimas neabejotinai svarbus socialinis reiškinys, kuris neretai yra neatsiejama ritualo dalis, formuojanti priklausomybės šeimai ir platesnėms socialinėms bendrijoms jausmus. Dovanos yra ypač svarbi Kalėdų šventės dalis. Jų paieška kartais ženkliai pratęsia pasiruošimo šventei laiką ir gali sukelti stresą. Pasiremdama Jono Helslooto pasiūlyta ritualo atlikimo teorine prieiga ir skatinimu patikrinti ritualinio streso apraiškas kitose šalyse mėginsiu tai paanalizuoti šiame straipsnyje. Darbas paremtas 2012–2013 m. etnografiniu lauko tyrimu Vilniaus mieste. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Stresas; Vilnius; Kalėdų dovanos; Kūčios; Šeima; Stress; Vilnius; Christmas presents; Christmas Eve; Family.

ENSeveral years ago John Helsloot published an article “Stress and Ritual. December Family Traditions in the Netherlands of Today”. On the basis of the theoretical approaches to ritual performance of the supporters Edward Schieffelin, Clifford Geertz and Ronald Grimes, the ethnologist is analyzing preparing for and performing the rituals of the month of December (St. Nicholas, Christmas) in the Netherlands as a risky, likely to fail and causing stress. My work analyses the preparation for Christmas period festivals by Vilnius citizens with reference to the inducement of a Dutch scientist to examine the existence of a ritual stress in other countries. The article is based on the material of the examination of the ethnographic fieldwork in 2013 (collected by the author herself via her own questionnaire). The research has revealed that recently a tradition of giving presents to each other during Christmas has been deeply rooted in the families of Vilnius citizens despite an inducement of the tradition to give presents on New Year’s Day so popular in the Soviet period of time. Moreover, it has also been proved that it is emotional tension which is experienced in the pre-festival period, whereas the action of giving presents is perceived as an essential ritual of Christmas. A fear of failure was expressed by the majority of the respondents, however, only a small part of them mentioned stress. The commentaries of the people questioned prove an ambition to escape stress or, at least, relieve from it individually, for instance, by handmade presents, prolonging the period of time intended for buying presents, also by involving a husband and children into a traditionally female sphere of household chores or creating personal traditions of the preparation for festivals or combining them with the experience gained from parents.The research has shown that the respondents of a younger generation distinguish in a practical perception of a pre-festival situation, i. e. an ability to cope with the lack of time, finance and ideas as well as a capability to create a festival for himself (herself) and close people. [From the publication]

0235-716X; 2424-4716
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