LTLeidinyje nagrinėjami vaikų, turinčių įvairių negalių ir sutrikimų, socializacijos klausimai. Į raidos sutrikimus bandyta pažvelgti per asmenybės raidos teorijų prizmę, ypatingai akcentuojant ekologinį sisteminį požiūrį. Autorės nuomone, nesaugumo jausmas ankstyvajame amžiuje, tėvų auklėjimo klaidos, deprivacinė aplinka gali nulemti įvairiausius raidos sutrikimus, susijusius ir su intelekto sfera. Remdamasi kognityvinėmis ir psichosocialinėmis asmenybės raidos teorijomis, autorė atskleidžia raidos sutrikimų formavimosi mechanizmus ir pristato naujausią specialiųjų poreikių asmenų ir jų raidos sutrikimų klasifikaciją. Taip pat pateikiami empirinių tyrimų duomenys apie ikimokyklinio ir jaunesniojo mokyklinio amžiaus vaikų, turinčių įvairių raidos sutrikimų - negalių (intelekto, judesio ir padėties sutrikimų), mokymosi sutrikimų (kalbos, skaitymo, rašymo, matematikos mokymosi), elgesio ir emocijų sutrikimų, socializacijos ypatumus, aptariami raidos sutrikimų šalinimo arba jų nepaisymo būdai, nubrėžiamos šių vaikų socializacijos kryptys, akcentuojant emocinio intelekto ir socialinių įgūdžių plėtrą bei kognityvinę elgesio terapiją.Reikšminiai žodžiai: Žmogaus raida; Sutrikimai; Sutrikimų struktūra; Veiksniai; Mokymosi sutrikimai; Rašymo sutrikimai; Skaitymo sutrikimai; Kalbos sutrikimai; Matematikos mokymosi sutrikimai; Socializacija; Neverbalinės raiškos gebėjimai; Psichosocialinė vaiko raida; Human development; Disorders; Disorder structure; Factors; Learning disorders; Writing disorders; Reading disorders; Speech disorders; Mathematical learning disorders; Socialization; Non-verbal skills; Psycho-social development of the child; Žmogaus raida; Sutrikimai; Sutrikimų struktūra; Veiksniai; Mokymosi sutrikimai; Rašymo sutrikimai; Skaitymo sutrikimai; Kalbos sutrikimai; Matematikos mokymosi sutrikimai; Socializacija; Neverbalinės raiškos gebėjimai; Psichosocialinė vaiko raida; Human development; Disorders; Disorder structure; Factors; Learning disorders; Writing disorders; Reading disorders; Speech disorders; Mathematical learning disorders; Socialization; Non-verbal skills; Psycho-social development of the child.
ENDevelopmental Disorders and Socialization of Children is a publication which addresses socialization issues in children with different impairments and extraordinary conditions. Developmental disorders are analyzed in terms of theories of personality development, placing a special emphasis on the ecological systems approach. The publication reviews the following issues: 1) The mechanisms of formation of development disorders are deciphered on the basis of cognitive and psychoanalytic theories of personality development. [...] 2) The most recent classification of people with special needs and their developmental disorders is introduced, including the description of the ways in which the disorders are manifested. A group of children with nonverbal learning disabilities, which is little known in Lithuania, is also introduced and compared with another group of children with Asperger's syndrome in terms of symptoms. 3) An empirical research is carried out to reveal the learning problems and socialization peculiarities in preschool and primary school children with different developmental disorders and disabilities (intellectual and physical) and learning disorders (speaking, reading, writing and doing mathematics as well as behavioral and emotional disorders).4) Based on the outcome of the qualitative and quantitative research, the attitude of primary school children towards their peers with serious developmental disorders, including both intellectual and physical disorders, is analyzed. 5) Possible ways and methods for elimination or handling of developmental disorders in preschool and school children are pointed out and discussed. 6) Possible areas for expansion of socialization of children with developmental disabilities are discussed focusing on the expansion of emotional intellect and social skills as well as the cognitive behavioral therapy. It is hence concluded that impaired cognitive abilities (perception, thinking, speaking) and in some cases emotional, behavioral and communication disorders as well as insufficient preparation of schools to accept children with special needs not only aggravate such children's possibilities to learn but subsequently cause secondary psychosocial disorders: contributes to the formation of a negative self-image, reduces learning motivation, triggers aggression and emotional disorders, eventually encumbering the potential of children with developmental disorders to become socially active, be accepted by the society and become a successful future employee. [From the publication]