Untersuchungen zu Daukšas Postille – II . Doppelakzentuierungen

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Vokiečių kalba / German
Untersuchungen zu Daukšas Postille – II . Doppelakzentuierungen
Alternative Title:
Research in Daukša’s Postilla II : Doppelakzentuierungen
In the Journal:
Archivum Lithuanicum. 2014, t. 16, p. 173-202
Subject Category:
Summary / Abstract:

LTM. Daukšos „Postilėje“ (1599) tarp kirčiuotų žodžių rasta daugiau nei 7 000 dvikirčių žodžių. Tokie atvejai laikyti spausdinimo klaidomis arba M. Daukšos sąmoningomis intencijomis pateikti to paties žodžio du kirčiavimo variantus (konservatyvųjį ir naująjį). Straipsnyje mėginama analizuoti kirčiuotus ir dvikirčius žodžius tipografiniu aspektu. [...]. [versta iš angliškos santraukos]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Mikalojus Daukša; Postilė; Senoji lietuvių kalba; Mikalojus Daukša; Postilla (1591); Old Lithuanian.

ENAmong the words provided with accent marks in Daukša’s 1599 Postilla there are more than 7,000 word forms with a double marking of stress. Such cases have been explained either as printing errors or as Daukša’s intentional practice of representing competing (conservative and innovating) stress patterns within the same word. In this article an attempt is made to pay more attention to typographical aspects both in doubly- and simply-stressed forms. In the case of á there may be an adoption of the Polish typographical practice of marking an open a (‘a niepochylone’) with an accentual diacritic, apparently without distinctive vowel quality in Daukša´s Postilla. Within the a-, e-, i-, u-vowel series there are random interchanges of ‘complex vowel signs’ (i. e. vowel signs consisting of the respective simple vowel and some diacritic, e.g. é ~ ê ~ ȩ ~[...]~ ę ~[...]), which may be based on the typesetter’s partial neglect of the difference between the respective complex vowel signs. Among such interchanges there are a number of forms with double or unjustified simple accent marks which possibly allow a phonetic explanation (denasalization of nasal vowels) or may be due to ambiguous handwritten source (especially in the case of í and ú). [From the publication]

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