Vaikas ir viešoji erdvė: tėvų nuostatos XX–XXI a.

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Vaikas ir viešoji erdvė: tėvų nuostatos XX–XXI a
Alternative Title:
Child and public area: parental beliefs in 20th-21st centuries
In the Journal:
Lituanistica. 2015, Nr. 2, p. 128-140
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje įvairiais aspektais analizuojamas vaiko (iki 3 metų) dalyvavimas viešajame gyvenime XX–XXI a. Lietuvoje. Pagal tėvų su vaikais dalyvavimą viešojoje erdvėje aiškinamasi: koks vaiko amžius laikytas (laikomas) tinkamu pradėti lankytis viešumoje; analizuojami įsitikinimai, lėmę skirtingas nuostatas dėl vaikų dalyvavimo viešajame gyvenime; bandoma atskleisti vaiko priežiūros aplinkybes, visuomenės vertybes, bendruomeninio gyvenimo niuansus, turėjusius įtakos šių nuostatų kaitai. Daroma išvada, kad XXI a. pirmaisiais dešimtmečiais, palyginti su ankstesniuoju laikotarpiu, akivaizdus besiformuojantis naujas mažo vaiko dalyvavimo viešojoje erdvėje modelis. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Kūdikis; Vaikas; Vertybės; Viešoji erdvė; Viešumas; Įsitikinimai; Baby; Beliefs; Child; Public area; Public space; Public sphere; Publicness; Values.

ENIn the report various aspects of a child’s (up to 3 years) participation in the public life in Lithuania of 20th–21st centuries are analyzed. The parental beliefs about the age of a child as appropriate to start the children’s participation in the public life are discussed; the circumstances of the baby care, moral values of the society, community life issues that have been affecting the change of these beliefs are revealed. The study revealed that parental attitudes to the child’s participation in the public life and their behaviour during the discussed period significantly changed. The twentieth century is characterised by restraining of the child from the public sphere. The child was raised at home, in the family environment. Children were not taken to the adult community gatherings in the Lithuanian rural culture in the beginning of the 20th century. Children had to leave the room when a guest came in a house. The age, when a child began to participate in more active public life, was 4 years old. Child’s restriction of the public sphere in the beginning of the 20th century was related to the prevailing belief that the child is more protected from the malicious exposure to the evil eye people or mythical creatures in the home environment. Also it was related to the living conditions, values and aspirations characteristic to the culture typical for the beginning of the 20th century village and individual farmsteads.The study revealed that the model of child’s limitation from the public sphere was brought from the village to the city in the second half of the 20th century and prevailed there until the 9th decade. One of the main causes of this attitude was the belief that the encounter with the public space is detrimental to a young child’s psyche. Yet, at that time we can also see many signs of liberalization of the attitudes concerning child’s public life shaping. One of them – the right age to start participating in public life came to be considered the period of three years. An emerging new model of child’s participation in the public sphere is observed in the first decades of the 21st century. Its main feature is an early and active involvement of a child in the public life. The baby becomes a participant of the public life from the first months or weeks. The new culture of child’s engagement in the public life, characteristic to the 21st century, can be attributed to significant changes in the child’s household growing conditions, such as the new hygiene, baby transportation instruments, as well as new opportunities in the field of child’s health, changes in the human living environment and changes in the public space. An important factor that influenced the change in the attitudes of parents is the transformation of societal values: the value of sedentary life, inherent to the beginning of the 20th century, was replaced by the value of mobility in the 21st century.[...]. [From the publication]

0235-716X; 2424-4716
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