Būti priimtam ar būti matomam: kultūrinio susidūrimo kompleksiškumas vykdant tarpkultūrinį ugdymą

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Būti priimtam ar būti matomam: kultūrinio susidūrimo kompleksiškumas vykdant tarpkultūrinį ugdymą
Alternative Title:
Being seen or being accepted: the complexity of cultural encounters in intercultural education
In the Journal:
Acta paedagogica Vilnensia. 2015, t. 34, p. 9-19
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojama skirtingų kultūrų asmenų susidūrimo svarba tarpkultūrinio ugdymo srityje. Teigiama, kad teorinių žinių apie kitas kultūras suteikimas yra svarbus tarpkultūrinio ugdymo elementas, tačiau ugdytojas mokymo metu turėtų sudaryti sąlygas mokytis vykstant realiems kultūrų susidūrimams. Remiantis dviejų filosofų J. L. Nancy ir B. Waldenfelso darbais straipsnyje atskleidžiamas kultūrinio susidūrimo kompleksiškumas. Kultūrinis susidūrimas gali būti patiriamas ne tik kaip kitos kultūros asmens priėmimas ir pripažinimas, bet gali būti išgyvenamas ir kaip įsibrovimas (Nancy) ar svetimumas (Waldenfelsas). Be to, kultūrinio susidūrimo patirtys kiekvienoje mokymo(si) situacijoje gali prieštarauti viena kitai. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Asimiliacija; Kultūrinis susidūrimas; Migracija; Svetimumas; Tarpkultūrinis ugdymas; Įsibrovimas; Alienation; Assimilation; Cultural encounter; Intercultural education; Intrusion; Migration.

ENThe paper deals with the importance of cultural encounters in intercultural education. The author argues that even though the acquisition of theoretical knowledge about other cultures is a significant component of intercultural education, a direct cultural encounter is an essential component in the intercultural learning. Therefore, an educator should create conditions for learners from different cultures to interact with each other and learn from these cultural encounters. To achieve this goal, an educator needs to have a deep and a thorough understanding of the cultural encounter phenomenon. While analyzing the ideas of the philosophers Jean-Luc Nancy and Bernhard Waldenfels, the paper reveals the complexity of cultural encounters. Cultural encounters can be experienced in different ways: on the one hand, a foreigner can be accepted and recognized; on the other hand, he or she can be seen as an intruder (Jean-Luc Nancy’s perspective) or an alien (Bernhard Waldenfels’ perspective). Moreover, cultural encounters can be of a contradictory nature. When someone is seen as an intruder or an alien, he or she can retain his or her cultural identity and authenticity, but then he or she remains a foreigner in the new environment he or she chooses to live in. According to Jean-Luc Nancy, when a foreigner wants to be accepted and recognized, at the same time he or she becomes invisible, and this inevitably leads to the process of assimilation. As it is difficult to avoid these contradictions of cultural encounters, an educator should take into account the complexity of every cultural encounter in the educational process. Moreover, it is important to stress that an educator should understand every cultural encounter – being seen or being accepted – to be valuable in itself. [From the publication]

1392-5016; 1648-665X
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2025-02-25 11:28:22
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