Публічная i патаемная рэлігійнасць савецкіх часоў у структуры лакальных ідэнтычнасцей палякаў беларуска-лiгоўскага пагранічча

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Baltarusių kalba / Belarusian
Публічная i патаемная рэлігійнасць савецкіх часоў у структуры лакальных ідэнтычнасцей палякаў беларуска-лiгоўскага пагранічча
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Baltarusijos ir Lietuvos pasienis; Baltarusijos-Lietuvos paribys; Katalikų bažnyčia; Lenkai; Lenkijos gyventojų identitetai; Sovietinė Baltarusija; Sovietmečio religingumas; Viešosios ir slaptosios katalikų religingumo formos; Belarusan-Lithuanian borderland; Belarusian-Lithuanian border; Catholic Church; Poles; Public and secret forms of Catholic religiosity; Soviet Belarus; Soviet-era religiosity; The identity of the Polish people.

ENThe article considers the specificity of public and secret forms of Catholic religiosity in the Soviet period and their role in the structure of local identities of the Polish population in the Belarusan-Lithuanian borderland. The study is based on the results of the ethnographic research of the local community of the Sopoćkinie district (North-Western part of the Grodno region, Belarus). Three types of religious practices are distinguished: everyday ones, public ones (celebrations of the church year) and secret ones. The article focuses on examining such religious practices in the context of intergroup interaction between the local Poles and the Soviet-times newcomers (mostly Belarusans and Russians) and the role of Catholic religiosity in maintaining social boundaries between this two groups. [From the publication]

Related Publications:
Lenkų demografiniai pokyčiai Lietuvoje 1947-1959 metais / Vitalija Stravinskienė. Lituanistica. 2006, Nr. 2, p. 20-33.
2020-05-18 15:52:32
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