Sėkmingai veikiančios projektų komandos kompetencijų struktūros teorinės ir empirinės prielaidos

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Sėkmingai veikiančios projektų komandos kompetencijų struktūros teorinės ir empirinės prielaidos
Alternative Title:
Theoretical and empirical assumptions of successful project team competence structures
In the Journal:
Socialinis ugdymas [Social Education]. 2013, Nr. 2 (34), p. 40-50
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje aptariamos sėkmingos projektų komandos veiklos prielaidos, analizuojamos ir sisteminamos kompetencijos, reikalingos sėkmingai projektinės komandos veiklai. Teorinių ir empirinių prielaidų pagrindu pateikiama sėkmingai veikiančios projektų komandos kompetencijų struktūra. Straipsnyje į projektų komandos kompetencijų struktūrą žvelgiama ne tik iš komandinio darbo, bet ir projektinės veiklos ypatumų bei projekto vykdymo etapų perspektyvos. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Kompetencijos; Projektų komanda; Projektų vykdymo etapai; Competences; Competencies: project team; Project team; Stages of project implementation.

ENArticle discusses assumptions of successful project team activities, analyses and structures competences needed for successful project team activities. The structure of competences of successful project team activities is given following the theoretical and empirical assumptions. The article aims at looking to the structure of project team competences not only through team activities perspective, but also through project activity’s and implementation stage’s perspective. The problem research areas are: what are the competences that project team should possess in order to implement a project successfully; what are the most significant competences of project team in a whole project activity and in an every stage of project implementation. Research aim: to distinguish theoretical and empirical assumptions of successful project team competence structures. Methods: Analysis of competence models and project activity stages of team work. Designing competence structure of successful project team. Expert method: survey of project implementing team members, used to determine necessary competences for project implementing team. The investigatives: 105 experts were surveyed. They are all members of successful project teams. Research results. Following the competence characterisations and models of team work, project teams and competences necessary for project activities, the theoretical assumptions of successful project teams are being presented. The competence structure of a successful project team is the following: necessary competences for each member and head of the team (competences which occur within team work and various stages of a project), which guarantee the success of an overall project activities; necessary competences for one or several members of a team, which guarantee the success of separate stages of projects.The competence structures of empirical assumptions of a successfully working project team are distiguished. According to the empirical research data, for each team member and head, the necessary competences are the following: team work – a courage to ask, an ability to learn all the time; an ability to use the advantages of other team members; having of aims which are clear, known for all; an ability to create a confident atmosphere; an ability to help for the other members of a team; related to various stages of project activities – self-discipline; knowledge of vision and aims; time management skills; information management; necessary competences for one or several members of a team: competences necessary for separate stages (project initiation, planning, implementation, completion, control) of projects – generation and presentation of ideas; an ability to plan, forecast, to distinguish the priorities of activities; abilities of negotiations, compromise finding and etc. [From the publication]

1392-9569; 2351-6011
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