Lietuvininkų tradicinės aprangos ir nešiosenos atspindžiai Ievos Simonaitytės kūryboje

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lietuvininkų tradicinės aprangos ir nešiosenos atspindžiai Ievos Simonaitytės kūryboje
Alternative Title:
Reflections of the traditional clothing and attire of Lithuania minor in writings by Ieva Simonaitytė
In the Journal:
Tautosakos darbai [Folklore Studies]. 2013, 45, p. 30-51
Summary / Abstract:

LTRemiantis Ievos Simonaitytės knygomis, aprašomi XIX a. pabaigos–XX a. pradžios Mažosios Lietuvos gyventojų drabužiai. Rašytojos kūryboje bandoma įžvelgti lietuvininkų nešiosenos bruožus. Pasitelkus aprašomąjį, lyginamąjį, analizės metodus, siekiama nustatyti amžių sandūroje Mažojoje Lietuvoje vykusius tradicijų raidos pokyčius. Nustatyta, kad svarbiausius postūmius lietuvininkų aprangos ir nešiosenos raidai tuo laikotarpiu suteikė įžegnojimo apeigos, surinkimai ir lietuvininkų noras lygiuotis į miestiečius vokiečius. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Drabužiai; I. Simonaitytė; Ieva Simonaitytė; Lietuvininkai; Mažoji Lietuva; Įžegnojimas; Įžegnojimas (konfirmacija); Church rituals; Clothing; Clothings; Confirmation; I. Simonaitytė; Ieva Simonaitytė; Lietuvininkai; Lithuania Minor.

ENIn this article, the traditional clothing of the inhabitants of Lithuania Minor in the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th century is described on the basis of books by Ieva Simonaitytė. Certain features typical to the Lithuanian attire of the time are discerned in the works by this author. The descriptive, comparative and analytical methods are used to establish changes taking place in the traditions at the turn of the centuries in Lithuania Minor. In the end of the 19th century, the oldest female headdress was muturas – a piece of cloth wrapped around the head. Yet the impact of the contemporary German culture prompted the Lithuanians to start wearing caps and hats. A peculiar female accessory in the end of the 19th century Lithuania Minor was a certain kerchief, used to tie around the psalm book or as an ornament when tucked at the waist, behind the waistband of the skirt or apron, or carried around held by the unornamented corner. Subsequently a certain decorated pocket (delmonas), into which also the kerchief could be tucked, became the most popular accessory of the women in this period. Shirt was also used as a sacred dress, in order to mark the most significant changes taking place in the human life. Among the shirts, special ones for funeral, christening, wedding and confirmation can be named.In the Lithuania Minor, confirmation was a ritual to seal the individual spiritual and physical maturity. Special ornate shirt designed and produced for this occasion used to be passed from one generation to another as a family treasure. The distinctive mark of the altered status of the confirmed girl was her hair plated and tied on her head as a crown, using black velvet ribbon. The black color of the confirmation dress subsequently acquired the character of the national symbol in Lithuania Minor, as well as setting the standard of beauty and fashion. New shoes were also traditionally worn in Lithuania Minor for confirmation, symbolically marking the step taken into the new period of life. [From the publication]

1392-2831; 2783-6827
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