Teorijos ir praktikos integralumas studentų patirties ir vertinimo požiūriu

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Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Teorijos ir praktikos integralumas studentų patirties ir vertinimo požiūriu
Alternative Title:
Integrity of theory and practice from the viewpoint of students' experience and assessment
In the Journal:
Andragogika. 2013, Nr. 1 (4), p. 11-27
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojama teorijos ir praktikos integralumas andragogams rengiantis profesinei veiklai, kuris atsiskleidžia andragogikos studijų programos studentų atliekamoje profesinėje praktikoje. Šiuolaikinis požiūris į teorijos ir praktikos santykį studijose suponuoja, kad teorija ir praktika yra neatsiejamos, nors tam tikru požiūriu ir konfliktuojančios, studijų proceso dalys. Akcentuojama, kad teorinis ir praktinis mokymas yra vientiso proceso komponentai, susisiejantys į skirtingų, bet vienas kitą papildančių patyrimų visumą, kas akivaizdžiai išryškėja studentams atliekant praktiką. Būtent praktika sudaro sąlygas studentams pritaikyti turimas teorines žinias ir praktinius įgūdžius konkrečiose darbo situacijose ir įgyti gebėjimus ar patirtį, reikalingą būsimai profesinei veiklai. Atliktas empirinis tyrimas išryškino studentų požiūrį į teorijos ir praktikos vienovę profesinėje praktikoje. Įvertintas atliekamos profesinės praktikos naudingumas būsimai andragogų profesinei veiklai. Praktikos metu apklaustieji atskleidė teorinių ir praktinių žinių taikymo realiose praktinėse situacijose aspektus. Tyrimu išryškinti profesinės praktikos privalumai ir trūkumai andragogikos studijų procese, kas leidžia Andragogikos katedrai pasitikrinti vykdomų studijų kokybę, koreguoti studijų programą ir pritaikyti ją prie kintančios aplinkos poreikių. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Andragogikos studijos; Integralumas; Praktinė patirtis; Profesinė praktika; Integrity; Practical experience; Study programme of andragogy; Vocational practice.

EN[...] After evaluation of insights of local and foreign researchers (Baranauskiene, 2003; Foley, 2007; Siebert, 2007; Kondrataviciene et al., 2007; Ibenskyte, 2008; Raudeliunaite, 2008; Nedinskas, 2009; Matikoviene, 2009; Matonyte et al., 2010; Stasiunaitienė et al., 2011 et al.) it is possible to presume that in the process of practice students are provided with conditions for employment of available theoretical knowledge and abilities in specific labour related situations, gaining of abilities and experience that will be necessary in further vocational activity. However, different and numerous research point to the fact that still relevant is a problem, related to a huge gap between graduates’ knowledge and abilities, acquired at the university and abilities that are necessary at a workplace. To train good specialists – practitioners it is necessary to enhance the significance of practical training, joining students’ individual experience and theoretical knowledge. It is to be noted that the problem in the process of training was analyzed by specialists of different fields, however, it is almost unexplored in the training of adult educators. This is why the article attempts to touch a scientific problem: how vocational practice contributes to security of andragogues’ theoretical and practical readiness for vocational activity?.Aim of the research: to analyze and ground integrity of theory and practice from the viewpoint of experience of future adult educators and assessment. Accomplished theoretical and empiric analysis enabled to shape following findings: Vocational practice of adult educators must be a combination of theoretical and practical learning processes, which enables to construct and transform students’ experience, knowledge, skills, approach, values, credo, sensations and meanings. This experience stimulates andragogues for further improvement of their theoretical knowledge and striving for vocational perfection. When having practice in different institutions and companies, future andragogues help the department of Andragogy to check and test the quality of its implemented studies, to correct the study programme and apply it for demands of changing environment. Analysis of the research data shows that theory and practice within vocational practice of andragogy programme unite into one single entirety and assist in training of students for their vocational activity. A student’s practical experience is treated as the major factor in performance of his practice, whereas gained theoretical knowledge remain to be relevant in his future vocational activity. Received information and data enable to maintain that the majority of students are satisfied with their own theoretical and practical knowledge as well as its employment in practical activities. They are certain that performed practice appeared to be useful for development and improvement own andragogic competences. According to most of respondents, practice assists in more objective (impartial) self-assessment of own vocational competences. [From the publication]

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