LTStraipsnio objektas – tarpukario Kauno apskrities kaimo vietovių sodybos ir gyvenamieji namai. Tikslas – išanalizuoti tarpukario Kauno apskrities kaimo architektūrą, išskirti būdingus sodybų bei gyvenamųjų namų tipus, panagrinėti, kokie veiksniai labiausiai veikė sodybų planinę struktūrą, pastatų architektūrą, diegtas naujoves bei statybos tradicijos tęstinumą. Metodai – istorinis aprašomasis, analitinis, lyginamasis. Išvados pateikiamos straipsnio pabaigoje. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Kaimas; Kauno apskritis; Naujovė; Naujovės; Statybos procesas; Tarpukaris; Tradicija; Vienkiemis; Construction; County; Farmsteads; Homesteads; Innovation; Interwar; Interwar Period, village; Kaunas; Kaunas county; Rural; Tradition.
ENPaper analyses the interwar Kaunas county rural architecture, the features specific to a particular part of the county. Given the fact that the main source of income of many inhabitants of the rural Kaunas county area was not related to farming, the plan structure of their homesteads is very different from the farmers’ homesteads. There are two types of homesteads based on the main income source of the inhabitants–agricultural activities and other activities. Examination of archival material reveals the most characteristic types of dwelling planning structural variants, reflected in the tables that are presented in this paper. A separate chapter is dedicated to residential homes. It deals with design features, the most distinguished Kaunas county rural architects. Having studied the interwar Kaunas county archives, four rural residential types are identified: traditional homestead (grouped into two cell, four cell, free layout, traditional building), apartment rental buildings (divided into one-story and two-story), private villas and two-story cottages. The sizes of residential houses are reviewed in Table 2; here we can see the most prevalent housing length and width ratios. In the residential architecture built near Kaunas can be observed the influence of a number of innovative and stylish architectural types, farther away from the capital such examples can be seen less. [From the publication]