XIII-XIV a. sandūros žiemgalių migrantai šiaurės Kurše ir žemutiniame Padauguvyje?

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
XIII-XIV a. sandūros žiemgalių migrantai šiaurės Kurše ir žemutiniame Padauguvyje?
Alternative Title:
Semigallian migrants in north Courland and lower Padauguvys at the turn of the 13th-14th centuries?
In the Journal:
Liaudies kultūra. 2013, Nr. 1, p. 21-32
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnio objektas – XIII-XIV a. sandūros šiaurės Kuršo, žemutinio Padauguvio, Žiemgalos kapai ir juose aptikti dirbiniai. Tikslas – apžvelgti atrinktus kapus, nustatyti jų etninę ir kultūrinę priklausomybę. Metodai – aprašomasis, tipologinis, palyginamasis. Išvada: kai kurie šiaurės Kuršo, žemutinio Padauguvio kapai siejami su migrantais iš vakarų Žiemgalos. Analogiški įkapių komplektai nemažu atstumu nutolusiose vietose rodo, kad tuo metu formavosi bendra vakarų Livonijos kultūra (vyko akultūracija). Tam įtakos turėjo nagrinėjamų regionų teritorinė priklausomybė tam pačiam valdytojui – Rygos arkivyskupui ir kapitulai bei jų vykdoma christianizacijos, taip pat ir migracijos skatinimo politika. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: (Guillebert de Lannoy); Arkivyskupija, žiemgaliai, Žagarė, Žilberas de Lanua; Christianizacija, Kryžiaus karai,; Dauguvos upė; Kapai; Kuršas; Kuršas, lyviai, Livonija, migracijos, monetos, Rygos; Latvija (Latvia); 13 amžius; 14 amžius; 15 amžius; Migracija; Žiemgala; Christianization, Crusades, Curland, Livonians, Livonia, migrations, coins, archdiocese, Semigallians, Žagarė, Guilebert de Lannoy; Courland; Daugava river; Graves; Latvia; Lithuania XIII-XV c. history; Migration; Semigallia.

ENIn the period of the turn of the 13th-14th centuries, material from gravesites in Livonia, belonging to Livs, Latgalians, Curonian, Selonians, Semigallian and other tribes, still exhibit tenacious late Iron Age burial customs, and material culture traits, regional differences, but at the same time significant innovations can be noticed, differences begin to form. No exception in this period was Semigallia, ethnically mixed north Courland, lower Daugava regions. In them (Dundaga, Laukmuiža, Ikškilė, Martinsala, Valgalė burials, repository of Riga Dom Cathedral), based on some of the jewellery forms and the ways of wearing them, different grave-good sets can be identified, which don’t resemble the Courland and lower Daugava region graves that have been studied. The closest analogies to them can be found in west Semigallia, in the Žagare burial site. Due to the lack of material, it is difficult to find a clear answer to the question "Is it a manifestation of Semigallian migrants in north Courland and lower Daugava region, or the emerging common manifestations of western Livonian culture?" Material culture similarities in graves from the period of the turn of the 13th-14th c. is not only proved by the Semigallian forced migration to the north and the lower Daugava region during the Crusades, but also by the material culture’s homogenization in the region.These processes were majorly impacted by Livonia’s leaders’ – the Archbishop of Riga, the Chapter and Order – internal colonization policies, the main goal of which was to move people from one place to another, alienating them from the old religion, and thus managing to speed up the Christianization of the region, as well as loyalty to a particular ruler. It is interesting to note that the examined regions (except Valgalė’s region of Vegi – the Order ruled this territory) in the second half of the 13th c. belonged to the same leader – Riga’s Chapter and the archbishop. The turn of the 13th–14th c. necklaces and pennanular brooches, some flat and some with polygonal or zoomorphic ends, spread throughout the regions under research due to Western European cultural influences, in particular in the areas controlled by the Archbishop of Riga and the Chapter. They attest to the tribal consolidation process and are not considered as an ethnical indicator. [From the publication]

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