Tragiški Mikalojaus Vorobjovo ir jo tėvų gyvenimo faktai

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Tragiški Mikalojaus Vorobjovo ir jo tėvų gyvenimo faktai
Alternative Title:
Tragic facts of the life of Mikalojus Vorobjovas and his parents
In the Journal:
Lietuvos dailės muziejaus metraštis [LDM metraštis]. 2013, t. 16, p. 9-26
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Darbas Vilniuje; Dukters Marijos prisiminimai; Emigracija; M. Vorobjovas; Marija Vorobjova; Mikalojus Vorobjovas, Vilnius; Atsiminimai; Tremtis, emigracija; Tėvų tremtis; Daughter Marija's memuars; Deportation; Emigration; M. Vorobjov; Marija Vorobjova; Memoirs; Mikalojus Vorobjovas; Parents'exile; Vilnius; Work in Vilnius.

ENSergejus Vorobjovas, the father of Mikalojus Vorobjovas, was born on October 18, 1866, Novgorod. He was a lawyer and worked as an interrogator at Šiauliai City Court since 1862, later as a member of Kaunas District Court. In autumn of 1915 by the ordinance of the Tsarist Russian government the family moved to Moscow. After the war they returned to Lithuania. In 1921 S. Vorobjovas began to work as the head of the Economic section of the Citizen Protection Department under the Ministry of Interior, later as the state official of special affairs. In 1926 he was appointed as a reporter for administration affairs of the Citizen Protection Department under the Ministry of Interior, in 1935 – a legal referent. He retired in 1937 and was awarded with the 3rd Class Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas. Adolfina Rozentalytė (Vorobjovienė), the mother of M. Vorobjovas, was born on October 28, 1873, in Šiauliai, in a family of an eastern orthodox and a catholic. She married on April 21, 1902, did not work and was supported by her husband. On June 14, 1941, after the husband was charged with “fighting against the revolutionary movement in Lithuania”, the couple was exiled to Siberia. Adolfina died on the way to exile. The fate of Sergejus is unknown. M. Vorobjovas was born on May 19, 1903, in Šiauliai. He started to study in 1911 at a two-year preparatory gymnasium in Kaunas. In 1914 he finished the first grade of Count M. Platovas gymnasium in Kaunas. At the beginning of the war he studied at the 7th gymnasium of Moscow, in 1918 continued to study at Moscow’s 13th labour school. After returning to Lithuania with his parents in 1921, he entered Kaunas German School of the exact sciences. On October 15, 1924, M. Vorobjovas started his studies at the University of Marburg, continued them at the University of Berlin on April 29, 1925, and later – at the University of Munich. He graduated from the latter in 1933 with a doctoral degree in philosophy.The young academician did not find work in Kaunas according to his speciality: this could have been impacted by the conflict with the institution of the chief of Kaunas city and district about the delay of the decision regarding granting M. Vorobjovas Lithuanian citizenship. This problem continued since 1928. Only on November 11, 1933, Lithuanian citizenship was finally granted. At the beginning he had to work as a German teacher at Kaunas Jewish gymnasium. Later – as a salesman at Pribačio book store and the director of a department at cooperative company “Press Foundation”. In autumn of 1940 M. Vorobjovas moved to Vilnius, taught art history at Vilnius Art School (Vilnius Academy of Arts). During the German occupation he worked at Vilnius University. In 1944 he moved to the West, lived in Austria during the first year and later – in the USA. In 1949 he started to work at Smith College (Northampton, Massachusetts) as a lecturer of Russian language and literature. In 1954 the college notified him that the department where he worked is being closed. Being in a hopeless position, M. Vorobjovas ended his life on June 7, 1954. M. Vorobjovas’ most significant works: Doctor’s dissertation announced in 1934; a monograph about M. K. Čiurlionis – the Lithuanian painter and musician – published in 1938 (in German language); Vilnius’ art, 1940. [From the publication]

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