Kaimo bendruomenių vaidmuo skatinant jaunimo verslumą

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Kaimo bendruomenių vaidmuo skatinant jaunimo verslumą
Alternative Title:
Role of rural communities in order to promote youth entrepreneurship
In the Journal:
Summary / Abstract:

LTSparčiai besikeičiant verslo aplinkai, netgi patyrusiems verslininkams sunku plėtoti verslą, o jaunimui surasti sau vietą rinkoje ypač sunku. Lietuvoje nėra gilių verslumo ugdymo tradicijų, o kaimo vietovės iki šiol yra nepakankamai patrauklios pradėti verslą. Jaunimas bijo prisiimti atsakomybę už savo veiksmus, nors šalyje siekiama sukurti nuoseklią, efektyviai veikiančią jaunimo verslumo skatinimo sistemą. Straipsnyje išanalizuoti jaunimo verslumą sąlygojantys veiksniai ir kaimo bendruomenių geroji patirtis, identifikuotas jaunimo verslumo skatinimo modelis. Patikslintos verslumo ir jo skatinimo apibrėžtys, išanalizuota Lietuvos kaimo bendruomenių projektinės veiklos geroji patirtis, nustatytos priemonės ir metodai, kurie taikomi jaunimo verslumui skatinti. Atliekant tyrimą taikyti tradiciniai tyrimo metodai: analizė, mišri analitinė sintezė, struktūrizavimas, ekspertinis vertinimas, kaimo bendruomenių gerosios praktikos ir lyginamoji analizė, grafinis vaizdavimas ir teorinis modeliavimas. Tyrimu nustatyta, kad jaunimo verslumo skatinimas turėtų būti pagrįstas gebėjimų imtis verslo ir drąsos prisiimti atsakomybę, pamatuoti riziką ugdymu, iniciatyvumo skatinimu, palankių sąlygų atsiskleisti asmenybei, save įdarbinti kūrimu, naujų galimybių verslo skatinimo priemonėmis atskleidimu. Jaunimo verslumo skatinimo procese dalyvauja pats jaunuolis, šeima, vietos bendruomenė, formalaus ir neformalaus švietimo sistemos institucijos, verslo struktūros, savivaldybės administracija ir vyriausybė, priimdamos tinkamus, skatinančius verslo plėtot įstatymus, formuodamos verslumą skatinančias kultūrines ir socialines normas. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Jaunimas; Kaimo bendruomenė; Verslumo skatinimas; Encouragement of entrepreneurship; Rural community; Youth.

EN[...] The reached objective of the study - analyzed the factors influencing youth entrepreneurship and best practices of rural communities, identified youth entrepreneurship model. In the article was adapted entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship promotion definitions, analyzed project activities best practices of Lithuanian rural communities, and was set measures and methods which are applied for youth entrepreneurship promotion. To make the research were applied the traditional research methods: analysis, hybrid analytical synthesis, structuring, expert evaluation, best practices of rural communities and comparative analysis, graphical depiction and theoretical modeling. The study found that youth entrepreneurship promotion should be based on ability to do business and the courage to take responsibility, to measure risk education, initiative, creation of favorable conditions of the individual, creating self-employed building, disclosing new opportunities for business promotion means. Youth entrepreneurship involves young person, family, local community, formal and non-formal educational institutions, business structures, municipal administration and the government, while adopting appropriate law, promoting business development, promoting the development of entrepreneurship in the cultural and social norms. Promotion of entrepreneurship – is the system of institutions, methods and measures, characterized by business process support, interpretation, promotion, coherent theoretical and practical training, and so on, moral and financial means to aid reveal business ways to motivate young people for entrepreneurship. It is required Lithuanian rural culture change to include the new entrepreneurial culture elements – a public demonstration of success, business contribution to rural prosperity recognition and display of success stories of businessmen careers.[...] Analysis of research results, Lithuanian political and strategic documents showed that one of the key elements of the system to promote entrepreneurship – entrepreneurship education of young people in the near surroundings. And it is more effective the earlier and closer to the young man begins (the family, the community, and even elementary school), and consistent throughout the life. Training of entrepreneurial skills, and interpersonal and inter-institutional communication development should be one of the country's public policy objectives and actions. There are three immediate actions: entrepreneurship education and training in the implementation of community-based projects to support local economic growth and business development in rural areas; facilitating rural environment, basic conditions for young entrepreneurs to address the existing structural barriers and to support them on critical business life cycle stages; formation of the dynamic entrepreneurial culture in rural areas: education of a new generation businessmen. It is worth examining in future studies rural community-based organizations features orienting towards their life cycle. While doing Lithuanian enterprise monitoring studies it would be worthwhile to distinguish the factors shaping the demand and supply of entrepreneurship in rural areas. [From the publication]

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2019-02-21 12:01:58
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