Save žalojusių ir savęs nežalojusių nuteistųjų vidinės darnos ir savigarbos ypatumai

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Save žalojusių ir savęs nežalojusių nuteistųjų vidinės darnos ir savigarbos ypatumai
Alternative Title:
Sense of coherence and self-esteem characteristics of the convicted who used and those who have never been on the self-harm behaviour
In the Journal:
Socialinis darbas. Patirtis ir metodai [Social Work. Experience and Methods]. 2013, [Nr.] 11, p. 183-193, 223
Summary / Abstract:

LTSavęs žalojimas įkalinimo įstaigose sunkina reabilitacinį darbą, todėl ieškoma kognityvinių asmenybės struktūrų, kurias įmanoma koreguoti. Tyrime dalyvavo 285 nuteistieji. Rezultatai rodo, kad save žalojantiems, taip pat vyresnio amžiaus asmenims, įvykdžiusiems smurtinius nusikaltimus ir nuteistiems ilgesniam laikui, labiausiai reikia specialistų pagalbos – socialinių kompetencijų ugdymo ir kitokios vidinę darną skatinančios paramos. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Save žaloję nuteistieji; Savigarba; Savęs nežaloję nuteistieji; Savęs žalojimas; Vidinė darna; And self-esteem; Convicted who have never been on the self-harm behavior; Convicted who used on the self-harm behavior; Self-esteem; Self-harm behaviour; Sense of coherence.

ENThe self-harm behaviour of the convicted at correctional institutions negatively affects general psychological climate, rehabilitation, costs additional expenses and takes a lot of specialists’ time. Therefore, it makes sense to explore and rely on inner factors susceptible to correction while planning preventive measures. The aim of the research was to evaluate characteristics of sense of coherence and self-esteem among prisoners who have been on the self-harm behaviour and prisoners who have never been on the self-harm behaviour. The hypothesis states that prisoners who have been on the self-harm behaviour have lower levels of sense of coherence and self-esteem than prisoners who have never been on the self-harm behaviour. The research group consisted of 80 convicted who have been on the selfharm behaviour and 205 convicted who have never harmed themselves. Methods employed: A. Antonovsky’s (1987) "Life orientation questionnaire" and M. Rosenberg’s (1965) "Self-esteem questionnaire". The results showed that the convicted who were inclined to self-harm had lower sense of coherence and self-esteem indicators in comparison with those who were not inclined to self-harm. Lower indicators of sense of coherence and self-esteem are more characteristic to persons older in age; having convicted violent crimes; those who are sentenced for longer period of time. This should be taken into account when planning expedient self-harm prevention – social skills-building and narrative therapy promoting the sense of coherence. [From the publication]

2029-0470; 2029-5820
2020-04-18 07:24:27
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