LTAnalizuojant atskirus folkloro kolektyvų ar jų narių religinės-muzikinės praktikos atvejus, straipsnyje siekiama atskleisti pagrindines katalikiškojo religinio tapatumo muzikinės raiškos formas, išsiaiškinti, kurie ansamblių nariai aktyviausiai dalyvauja religinėse apeigose ir kaip jie palaiko savo religinį tapatumą. Suaugusiųjų folkloro ansamblių dalyvių pagrindinės katalikiškojo religinio tapatumo muzikinės raiškos formos yra giedojimas bažnytiniame chore arba visos religinės bendruomenės gretose per liturgines apeigas ir giedojimas laidotuvių apeigose. Folkloro ansamblių dalyviai, liturginių apeigų metu įsijungdami į bendrą giedojimą, formuoja giedančią bažnytinę bendruomenę ir skatina jos gausėjimą. Taip yra išlaikoma ir tęsiama bendruomeninių giesmių giedojimo tradicija, o ansamblių narių etnokultūrinis ir religinis tapatumai puikiai papildo ir stiprina vienas kitą. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Folkloro ansambliai; Folkloro ansambliai, giedojimas, kalendorinės šventės, liturginės apeigos, laidotuvių apeigos, katalikiškasis religinis tapatumas; Folkloro ansamblis; Giedojimas; Giedojimas bažnytiniame chore; Kalendorinės šventės; Katalikiškasis religinis tapatumas; Liturginės apeigos; Muzikinė raška; Calendar holidays; Catholic identity; Chanting; Folklore goup; Folklore groups; Folklore groups, chant, calendar holidays, liturgical ceremonies, funeral ceremonies, Catholic identity; Liturgical ceremonies; Musical self-expression; Singing in church choirs.
ENCatholic identity expression in the activities of folklore groups has not been researched yet in Lithuania. This article analysing cases of religious musical practice in the folklore groups and among their members seeks to reveal the main forms of Catholic identity musical expression, to identify which folklore group members take the most active part in confessional activities and how they maintain their confessional identity. The article presents research on musical confessional self-expression among traditional Lithuanian folklore group members based on individual case studies. Performing ethnographical field studies in Lithuania during the period of 2002-2012, interviews were taken from over 1,500 adult respondents and over 500 children – members and leaders of various folklore groups. Interviews revealed that some folklore group members also chant in churches during liturgical ceremonies or sing hymns during funeral ceremonies. Speaking of holiday festivities, folklore group members usually mentioned celebrations of the main Catholic holidays. In Lithuania there is a growing number of schools stressing that Advent is a period of concentration and waiting for the birth of Christ. Advent events often practiced by children folklore groups represent activities most closely related to the Catholic tradition. They tend to form both ethno-cultural and confessional identity of the children attending. Adult folklore group members associate Christmas and Easter primarily with the church and celebrate them at home.Some of them also attend church choirs or sing during funeral ceremonies. Religious and ethno-cultural identities of such folklore group members are closely inter-tangled; they foster and reinforce each other perfectly. Main religious musical practices prevailing among adult folklore group members are the following: attending church choirs, singing during funeral ceremonies, and chanting during liturgical ceremonies together with the entire community. Folklore group members performing chanting during liturgical ceremonies form and encourage chanting circles, this way preserving and maintaining community chanting tradition. [From the publication]