Modernios karaimų tapatybės kūrimas XX a. pradžioje

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Modernios karaimų tapatybės kūrimas XX a. pradžioje
Alternative Title:
Formation of modern Karaite identity in the early 20th century
In the Journal:
Istorija [History]. 2013, Nr. 90, p. 3-13
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje aptarsime Lenkijos karaimų bendruomenės lyderių pastangas XX amžiaus pirmoje pusėje formuoti modernią kolektyvinę karaimų tapatybę. Bus siekiama atskleisti, kokie motyvai lėmė tapatybės formavimo kryptį, kokiais būdais ir priemonėmis ji buvo konstruojama bei kokiais konkrečiai simboliais rėmėsi moderni karaimų tapatybė. Tyrimas atskleidė, kaip iki XX a. vidurio karaimų bendruomenėje buvo suformuota aiški, išbaigta, logiška tariamu karaimų kalbos, kilmės ir religijos ryšiu pagrįsta kolektyvinės tapatybės ideologija, kurios sklaida per bendruomenės lyderius, leidžiamą spaudą bei į supančią visuomenę nukreiptą propagandą sugebėjo ją įtvirtinti ne tik bendruomenėje, visuomenėje, bet iš dalies ir akademinėje terpėje. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Istorinė tėvynė; Kilmės mitas; Kolektyvinė tapatybė; Lenkijos karaimai; Seraja Szapszalas; Žydai; Collective self-identity; Historical homeland; Jews; Myth of origins; Polish Karaites; Seraja Szapszal.

ENEven though Eastern-European Karaites sensed and were well aware of the difference between them and Rabbanite Jews, it rarely crossed the borders of religious discussions until as late as the 19th century. In the context of the Jewish policy implemented by the Russian Empire in the 19th century, the distinction from Jews declared by Karaites also relied on religious arguments; however, it was already based on other – pragmatic – aims seeking to improve their social situation in the country. Even though Karaites started declaring their distinction from Rabbanite Jews, they nevertheless clearly associated themselves with the religious tradition of Judaism and Jewish origin. In the 20th century Karaite self-identity underwent a shift determined by both rational (adaptation in the society, better social situation and integration in it) and mental (the ever-growing gap between them and the Jewish tradition, secularisation and the rise of the feeling of ethnic identity) reasons. The formation of Karaite modern self-identity was mostly influenced by the activities of the Karaite spiritual leader Seraja Szapszal. Being the communal leader, he directed his activities towards a complete separation of Karaite self-identity from the Jewish tradition and introduction of new identity elements and their consolidation in the consciousness of the community. After reforming the Karaite language – the Hebrew terms were replaced with the Turkic ones – Szapszal began to create a theory of Karaite origin from a mystical Turkic tribe based on the Karaite language by fully abandoning the prevailing perception of the Jewish origin of Karaites in the community.Personal charisma, the qualities of a leader and diplomatic experience determined a response and support of Szapszal’s theories among communal leaders, which served as a mouthpiece for establishing the modern ideology of ethnic Karaite identity among other communal members as well. By the middle of the 20th century Szapszal shaped a clear, complete and logical ideology of ethnic identity based on the assumed relation between the Karaite language, origin and religion, whose dissemination through communal leaders, communal press and the propaganda targeted at the surrounding society ensured its consolidation in the community and the society and partly in the academic area. [From the publication]

1392-0456; 2029-7181
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