Pedagoginis dvasingumas: inovatyvi sėkmingo ugdymo strategija

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Pedagoginis dvasingumas: inovatyvi sėkmingo ugdymo strategija
Alternative Title:
Pedagogical spirituality: an innovative strategy of successful education
In the Journal:
Ars et praxis. 2013, 1, p. 143-158
Summary / Abstract:

LTTeksto centre - žymaus Lietuvos muzikos edukologo Alberto Piličiausko suformuota pedagoginio dvasingumo samprata ir ja grindžiama inovatyvi ugdymo strategija. Apibrėžiant pedagoginį dvasingumą, analizuojant meilės kaip bendražmogiškos vertybės įtaką auklėjimo procesui bei pateikiant inovatyvius ugdymo principus, skatinančius ne tik mokinį mokyti, bet ir auklėti, atskleidžiamas pedagoginio dvasingumo taikymo ugdymo proceso metu tikslingumas. Lyginant mokslininko teorines įžvalgas su gretutine filosofine, psichologine, muzikologine, pedagogine literatūra bei švietimo ir mokyklos reformos dokumentais, straipsnyje pristatomas naujas pedagoginio dvasingumo terminas ir pateikiami inovatyvūs bendrojo lavinimo grandyje taikytini pedagoginiu dvasingumu grindžiami ugdymo principai. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Bendražmogiškos vertybės; Dvasingumas; Meilė; Motyvacija; Motyvai; Pedagoginis dvasingumas; Strategija; Ugdymo principai; Ugdymo strategija; Love; Motivation; Motives; Pedagogical spirituality; Principles of education; Spirituality; Strategy; Strategy of education; Universal values.

ENThis text focuses on the conception of Pedagogical spirituality, formulated by the influential Lithuanian music educologist Albertas Piličiauskas, and the innovative strategy of education that is based on it. By defining pedagogical spirituality, analysing the influence of love as a universal value for the process of upbringing, and listing the innovative principles of education promoting not only to teach but also to nurture the pupil, the aim of applying pedagogical spirituality in the process of education is revealed. Pedagogical spirituality is a new concept and it emphasises the relevant position of a teacher: he or she should not only be moral but also spiritual, i.e., not only honestly fulfil his or her duties, comply with the law, and respect the universal values, but also altruistically work to the benefit of the people. Thus, according to Piličiauskas, pedagogical sprituality comprises of the sum of the internalised moral ideals and its active and altruistic propagation within society; or in other words, Pedagogical spirituality is the sum of Love and Wise strictness. By comparing the insights of A. Piličiauskas with philosophical, psychological, musicological and pedagogical concepts and the main documents of the reform of education, this article presents innovative recommendations for secondary education based on Pedagogical spirituality. [From the publication]

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