LTStraipsnyje analizuojamas įsiminto savito arba tipiško veido apibūdinimo tikslumo, sudaryto fotoroboto panašumo ir veido atpažinimo tikslumo ryšys. Eksperimentinės grupės tiriamieji (n = 128) turėjo apibūdinti tyrimo pradžioje įsimintą veidą, sudaryti jo fotorobotą ir atpažinti matytą veidą (iš karto po fotoroboto sudarymo arba po 30 min. pertraukos). Kontrolinės grupės tiriamieji (n = 96) matytą veidą turėjo atpažinti praėjus skirtingiems laiko tarpams (10, 60 ir 90 min.) nuo įsiminimo. Gauti rezultatai parodė, kad veido apibūdinimo ir fotoroboto sudarymo derinys pablogina veido atpažinimo tikslumą, jeigu veidas atpažįstamas iš karto po fotoroboto sudarymo. Nustatyta, kad tikslesnis veido apibūdinimas (atkuriant daugiau tikslių ir mažiau subjektyvių detalių) lemia didesnį sudaryto fotoroboto panašumą. Tačiau tiek tikslesnis veido apibūdinimas, tiek didesnis sudaryto fotoroboto panašumas nėra susiję su matyto veido atpažinimo tikslumu. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Tinkami.
ENThe article analyses the relationship between the accuracy of a distinctive or typical face description, the similarity of facial composite and the accuracy of face recognition. The research pursued two goals: 1) to determine the accuracy of describing distinctive and typical male faces under examination, as well as the similarity of facial composites produced for target faces and the accuracy of recognizing a target face; 2) to determine the interval of time between the face memorization and face recognition and the influence of tasks performed during this interval to the accuracy of face recognition. The research involved 224 (112 male and 112 female) participants. At first the participants were shown color photos of typical or distinctive target male faces on the computer screen to be memorized and recognized later. The control group participants (n = 96) had to recognize the target face after different time intervals from memory. The experimental group participants (n = 128) had to describe a face memorized. The research results revealed that a combination of face description and facial composite production reduces the accuracy of face recognition if the face has to be recognized immediately after the production of facial composite. Meanwhile, at least a 30-minute break between producing a facial composite and recognizing the face statistically significantly improves the accuracy of face recognition. Statistically, there were no significant differences between the recognition of a distinctive and a typical face.