Katalikų socialinė mintis tarpukario Lietuvoje: socialinės teisinės valstybės vaizdinys socializme

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Katalikų socialinė mintis tarpukario Lietuvoje: socialinės teisinės valstybės vaizdinys socializme
Alternative Title:
Catholic social thought in the interwar period in Lithuania: the image of social state under the rule of law in socialism
In the Journal:
Jurisprudencija [Jurisprudence]. 2013, Nr. 20 (2), p. 391-406
Summary / Abstract:

LTVakarų pasaulyje socializmas šiandien suvokiamas kaip nuolatinis visuomenės demokratizavimosi ir reformavimosi procesas, kaip vienas iš idėjinių faktorių, kuriant socialinę teisinę valstybę, kurio kompetencija nustatant socialinę teisinę tvarką – kurti solidarią vienodų teisių ir laisvių visiems visuomenę. Šiuolaikinėje Lietuvos teisinėje sąmonėje taip pat lieka erdvės naujoms socializmo interpretacijoms, suvokiant, kad ši ideologija niekur nedingo, o tik susiaurėjo jos kompetencija. Dabartinė vertybinė orientacija yra suponuota tarpukario politinės teisinės minties. Gausiausia tuomet katalikiškoji inteligentijos dalis formavo to meto visuomenės valstybės ir teisės misijos įgyvendinant žmogaus teises sampratą, išryškino socializmo trūkumus bei privalumus tame procese ir kiek jie turi išliekamąją vertę įgyjant socialinės teisinės valstybės pavidalą. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Prigimtinė teisė; Socialinė teisinė valstybė; Socialinė valstybė; Socializmas; Teisingumas; Teisingumas, prigimtinė; Teisinė valstybė; Teisė; Justice; Natural law; Natural rights; Social state; Social state under the rule of law; Socialism; State of rule of law.

ENSocial life is changing very fast. People are trying to find out reasons of living in a safe society and understand their role in it. The ‘wrong’ and ‘right‘ models of the social life, state and law systems are appearing. In the XXth century, one of them – socialism – made suggestion how to solve social problems, determinated of capitalism. This work deals with the situation of Lithuanian social thought in the Republic of Lithuania (1900-1940). In the article, the standpoint of catholics of socialism is reflected. Catholics displayed socialism as a system, which accumulated many distorted images about human nature, motivations of human behavior, society and its functionating. Considering the society being an organic totality of individuals, but not a faceless mass, and an individual being a personality having natural rights to be respected, but not considered as a little screw without any rights in the state machine, with whom any experiments may be performed, they disclosed Utopia of the idea, proposed by socialists, of the possibility of a perfect society creation by the only preliminarily arranged correct plan,. For this purpose to be achieved, they constructed a model of socialist economy and then destroyed it, demonstrating economical unefficiency of this system. In this manner, intellectuals warned Lithuania and its people about the destructiveness of the realization of such an experiment.In spite of criticism of socialism, some intellectuals, such as A. Maceina, S. Šultė and S. Šalkauskis, appeared to be rather respective to the new social ideas and did not distinguish any social economic system as the best and only one. They thought that all the world, including Lithuania, has to create a new social life and take as a base the progressive ideas of socialism and capitalism. According to the opinion of the catholics, the most reliable way to a safe sočiety and economical welfare passes through the cooperation of individuals and state’s duty to create right laws. Ideological spirit was the main obstacle for the intellectuals to recognize trends of socialism by their aims and methods. That is the reason, why socialism was identified as bolsevism. However, the expression of the intellectuals’ opinion about socialism, its ideological herritage and perspectives enriches the research of the Lithuanian legal phylosophical and political thought and allows to understand better the ideological development of socialism and to define its competence and limits of validity in the contemporary world. Valuable ideas may be fruitfully used in creating a democratic society, social state and the rule of law. [From the publication]

1392-6195; 2029-2058
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2025-02-28 13:38:56
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