Jaunojo atlikėjo atsakomybė už pasirengimą darbo rinkai

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Jaunojo atlikėjo atsakomybė už pasirengimą darbo rinkai
In the Journal:
Profesinis rengimas: tyrimai ir realijos [Vocational training: research and realities]. 2013, Nr. 24, p. 46-57
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje pristatomas tyrimas, kuriuo siekta ištirti, ar atlikėjai yra atsakingi už savo pasirengimą darbo rinkai, ir nustatyti svarbiausius pasirengimą darbo rinkai lemiančius veiksnius. Tyrimo metodas - interviu.Tyrime dalyvavo Lietuvos menininkus rengiančių aukštųjų mokyklų meno magistrantai. Tyrimas atskleidė, kad savo muzikines kompetencijas studentai vertina geriau nei pasirengimą darbo rinkai.Tokį vertinimą lemia studijų programos sandara - daugiau dėmesio skiriama techniniams muzikiniams įgūdžiams tobulinti, mažiau - savo profesijos pritaikomumui, taip pat studento pasaulėžiūra, formuojanti asmeninį santykį su esama ir būsima veikla. Studentai pripažįsta atsakomybę už pasirengimą darbo rinkai, tačiau menkos sceninės patirties nulemta scenos baimė, kūrybingumo stoka, nepakankamas savęs pristatymas ir požiūrio į darbo rinką ribotumas yra pagrindiniai studentų pasirengimo darbo rinkai trūkumai. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Jaunasis atlikėjas; Menų studijos; Studento atsakomybė; Pasirengimas darbo rinkai; Young artist; Art studies; Responsibility of the student; Preparation for labour market.

ENArt studies are acknowledged as a specific area of higher education all over the World. Music, dance, theatre, cinema, painting and other art fields are seen as not only professional craft but also a field, linked with creative discoveries, searching for a niche, both of which are hard to plan or prognosticate. This is a very individualized activity, the goal of which is a constant renewal and search for undiscovered art forms. Artists create not only by developing but also by denying the traditional art forms and in that way often opposing or denying the tradition itself. So art studies are a constant creative challenge (Rimšaitė R., Umbrasienė V. 2011).The mentioned authors notice the graduates of musical arts often don't have typical workplaces, on which the employment statistics are based, that are important for the Bologna declaration. The graduates of musical arts are often freelance artists or create unique workplaces themselves. That's how the results of the studies, often defined in the basic dimensions: knowledge/knowing, payments, competences and understanding (Pūkelis К., 2011) become less concrete compared to the results of other study programs, on the other hand they are constantly witnessed by listening to a performer in concerts, projects, watching their individual artistic career and expression. Is the completed program and achieved study results already a guarantee of a successful integration into the job market? Integration into job market of master students has been studied by Beresnevičiūtė V, Poviliūnas A (2007), of persons without education by Gruževskis, В., Okunevičiūtė-Neverauskienė N., Česnuitytė V. (2007), attention to career planning and consulting has been foccused by Tūtlys V. (2013), Pūkelis K., Navickienė L. (2011), to integration of imigrants by Presniakovaitė К. (2011), but researches about artists responsibility for the labor market were missing.Formed opinion about easy artists integration into job market reasons problem of research too. The question of research is formed: how much young artists are responsible for their preparation to the job market? The object of the research: responsibility of the young artist for preparation for the job market. The goal of the research: to assess the students' responsibility on their preparation for the job market. The analysis of the young artist's preparation for the job market and responsibility for the study results was based on a functional (one that analyses the student's preparation for the job market) and evaluative (linked to own professional assessment), aspects. 12 students (7 boys and 5 girls), who were in the second year of their master studies in various higher education institutions of Lithuania, that prepare artists, took part in the research.The students study wind instruments, piano, vocals, strings (viola, violin), organ, choir conducting. Students evaluate their musical competences better than their preparation for the job attention is paid to the development of technical musical skills and less attention to the adaptation to the profession and the development of the outlook of the student, which determines their relation to the current and future activities. Stage fright, caused by not enough stage experience, not enough self presentation, limited view on the job market are the main factors that disturb the successful integration to the job market. Considering the wideness of range of their future activities, the students are more prepared for ensemble or orchestra work, than a solo career. [From the publication]

1392-6241; 2029-8447
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