Architektūra ir urbanistika : sampratų ir žanrų pinklėse

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Architektūra ir urbanistika: sampratų ir žanrų pinklėse
Alternative Title:
Architecture and urbanistics: in the trap of conceptions and genres
In the Journal:
Acta Academiae Artium Vilnensis [AAAV]. 2013, t. 71, p. 25-46. Terra urbana: urbanistinės kaitos žemėlapiai
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnio tikslas - aiškumas bendro diskurso, susijusio su urbanistikos, urbanistinio, politinio ir teritorijų planavimo, taip pat architektūros samprata. Pirmoje dalyje aptariami terminai, kurie su architektūros ir urbanistikos praktika tiesiogiai nesusiję, bet yra paplitę akademiniuose sluoksniuose ir viešajame sektoriuje. Antroje dalyje nagrinėjama bendra mokslo samprata, trečioje - studijų padėtis, studijų ir mokslo klasifikatorių nesuderinamumas. Ketvirtoje dalyje kalbama apie urbanistiką ir kitas gretutines sritis: gvildenamas terminų nelogiškumus, dviprasmiškos sąvokos. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Architektūra; Urbanistinis planavimas; Urbanistinis projektavimas; Teritorijų planavimas; Kraštovaizdžio architektūra; Architecture; Urbanistics; Urban planning; Urban design; Development law.

ENThe idea of sustainable development as the main remedy for making qualitative cities has no real urban substance. It is not clear where the place of urbanistics (urban planning and urban design) is in the system of sustainable development. What is the main object of urbanistics - the town planning process, the system of city control and administration or the spatial structure of the city? Sustainable development is the management practice reasoned by systematic principles, so the urban structure is not the main object of this type of practice. The architectural and urban paradigm system became very complicated because of the different approaches of the main object. This is the reason why there is no unified terminology. The declared system of sustainable development has no cohesive vocabulary. What is the essence of architectural and urban science in the case of official non-disclosure of this type of science? We must make a change in direction of the fundamental conception of architectural and urban researches from art critics to real architectural and urban science with concrete criteria, principles, methods and technologies. There is one way to explain the substance of urbanistics - one must make a distinction between the procedural activities, the profession of the architect and the optimum planning process. No interpretations will follow if the scientific and study schedule explains the main object and fields of science and studies.In the case of a blind definition, the place of urbanistics is doubtful in the whole system of the profession of the architect and scientific and study schedule understanding. We need to talk about the cities, not about the unurbanized territories, zones or regions. The substance of urbanistics must be implied as the spatial organization of a city's functions according to specific aesthetical and valuation criterion, not only as the utilitarian aspect of the urbanization process. Now we have the contravened link in this logic line: countryside - landscape - city/town - urbanized territories - public urban spaces - greenery. The same problem exists between the links in the logic line: development management - region planning - town planning - urban design - architecture. The main principle is to define the proportions between open spaces and urbanized territories. The main premise of urbanistics as urban design and urban planning system qualitative functioning is understandable terminology, qualified specialists and a clear field of professional activities. Nowadays, the scientific and study schedules, the urban design and planning legalese cannot guarantee the qualitative functioning of all systems. [From the publication]

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