Naujųjų ES šalių ūkio specializacija ekonominės integracijos kontekste

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Naujųjų ES šalių ūkio specializacija ekonominės integracijos kontekste
Alternative Title:
Specialisation of the new EU countries in the context of economic integration
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Summary / Abstract:

LTSpecializacija yra svarbus šalies ūkio raidą lemiantis veiksnys. Išaugus tarptautinei konkurencijai, naujosioms ES šalims specializacijos tema išlieka itin aktuali kaip vienas iš būdų įsitvirtinti didesnės pridėtinės vertės gamybos grandinėje. Straipsnyje nagrinėjama naujųjų ES šalių specializacija ir jos pokyčiai 1995-2009 m. laikotarpiu. Atlikta tyrimų specializacijos tema analizė ir susisteminti svarbiausi rezultatai. Atliekant naujųjų ES šalių specializacijos tyrimą, įvertinas jos mastas, pobūdis ir pokyčiai analizuojamu laikotarpiu. Atskleistas specializacijos ryšys su eksporto, vartojimo, tarpinių ir investicinių prekių paklausa. Analizė atlikta remiantis sąnaudų - išeigos modeliu, suteikiančiu galimybę nustatyti specializacijos pokyčius per laikotarpį ir reikšmingus skirtumus tarp pačių naujųjų ES šalių. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Specializacija; Ūkio struktūra; Naujosios ES šalys; Economic structure; Specialisation; New EU countries.

EN[...] The aim of this article is to analyse the extent, pattern and changes of specialisation of the new EU countries in 1995-2009, in order to reveal the development of specialization in the context of economic integration. The objectives are: to analyse the studies of specialisation carried out by other authors; to examine the output specialisation of the new EU countries assessing the extent, pattern and development during the period; to determine the relation between the output specialisation and export and final demand as well as demand for intermediate and investment goods. Methods applied: the in-depth analysis of scientific literature, general and logical analysis, analysis of statistical data based on input-output model, the calculation of specialisation indicators. To reveal the development of relations of economic sectors in the new EU countries, an interregional input - output model was applied, which was obtained by combining the national input -output tables with international trade data. The research of specialisation in the new EU countries is performed in three aspects. The first aspect concerns the extent of specialisation, analyzing which member states are more and which are less specialised. The second aspect is related to changes in specialisation. The third concerns the pattern of specialisation assessing in which commodities the respective member states are specialised. The analysis found that most of new EU countries experienced a moderate decline in specialisation during the analysis period with the exception of Slovakia, Slovenia, the Czech Republic and Hungary. It should be noted that although the specialisation in these countries has increased, the extent of specialisation remained relatively lower comparing with other countries where specialisation has declined.In spite of differences in the size of the new EU countries, there is no clear trend that the larger countries are more diversified than the smaller ones. These results indicate that larger deviations from the mean of EU economic structure are due to other factors rather than the size of new EU countries. The study produced results which are contrary to the results of previous studies, which found that small countries are more inclined to specialisation. Such a trend may be the result of increased economic integration in recent decades. The economic structures of new EU countries are becoming more similar due to the increased specialisation within the same industries as well as due the diversification of countries at the same time in different industries. Such tendency is a result of specialisation when the production process is split into the set of tasks, many of which are carried out in different geographical locations. Although specialisation decreased during the analysed period the pattern of specialisation has not changed significantly. The countries tend to specialise in those sectors where majored in the past. The common changes in specialisation in some sectors of new EU countries were identified, however, specific specialised sectors characteristic on for some countries were also identified. The study found that the demand for final consumption goods is less specialised than the demand for intermediate consumption and investment goods, and tends to shrink further. Export specialisation has a significant effect on the output specialisation in dicating that export structure has a great impact on the economic structure in all new EU countries. The specialisation of export to third foreign countries is stronger and decreased less significantly than that of exports to the EU. [...]. [From the publication]

1648-9098; 2424-337X
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