LTStraipsnyje nagrinėjama darbo atlikimo vertinimo sistema ir jos tobulinimo galimybės AB „Lietuvos geležinkeliai“ Radviliškio prekinių vagonų depe. Analizuojami ir sisteminami įvairių Lietuvos ir užsienio autorių teoriniai ir praktiniai darbo atlikimo vertinimo sistemos tikslai, šios sistemos nauda organizacijoms, jų vadovams ir darbuotojams, pateiktas veiklos vertinimo procesas ir jo etapai. Empirinėje darbo dalyje, remiantis išanalizuota teorine medžiaga, parengtas ir naudojamas originalus darbo atlikimo vertinimo klausimynas. Atliktas tyrimas ir analizuojami apklausos, kurioje dalyvavo AB „Lietuvos geležinkeliai“ Radviliškio prekinių vagonų depo aširačių cecho darbuotojai, rezultatai. Tyrimo tikslas – įvertinti esam darbo atlikimo vertinimo sistemą ir numatyti jos tobulinimo galimybes šioje organizacijoje. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Darbas; Darbo atlikimo vertinimas; Darbo efektyvumas; Formalus vertinimas; Gamybinė organizacija; Jos sistema; Neformalus vertinimas; Procesas; Vertinimo kriterijai; Vertinimo metodai; Appraisal criteria; Appraisal methods; Formal appraisal; Informal appraisal; Performance appraisal; Performance appraisal system and process; Production organization; Work; Work effectiveness.
ENPaper deals with the problem of performance appraisal system and its potential development of the Lithuanian Railway freight wagon depot of Radviliškis. Performance appraisal has been defined as the process of identifying, evaluating and developing the work performance of employees in an organization, so that the organizational goals and objectives are more effectively achieved, while at the same time benefiting employees in terms of recognition, receiving feedback, catering for work needs and offering career guidance. Performance appraisals of employees are necessary to understand each employee's abilities, competencies and relative merit and worth for the organization, whie taking into accountthe pastperformance of the employees and focusing on the improvement of the future performance of the employees. Performance appraisals can be done with following objectives in mind: to maintain records in order to determine compensation packages, wage structure, or salary increases; to identify the strengths and weaknesses of employees to place the right worker in the appropriate job; to maintain and assess the potential present in a person for further growth and development; to provide feedback to employees regarding their performance and related status; to serves as a basis for influencing the work habits of employees; to review and retain promotional and other training programmes. This paper analyzes and systemizes the various Lithuanian and foreign authors' theoretical and practical performance appraisal system goals, and their benefit for organizations, their managers and employees. Furthermore, this work analyzes the performance evaluation process and its main stages. In the empirical part of this work a questionnaire survey was conducted, which was taken by Lithuanian Railway freight wagon depot of Radviliškis workers.The questionnaire was developed based on a thorough analysis of the structural phases of the performance appraisal process. The questionnaire was used in order to answer the following questions: what are the characteristics of the performance appraisal process used in the test organization?; what are the purposes of the performance appraisal systems in the test organization?; what are the problems produced by the performance appraisal systems in the test organization? what different areas should be improved in the appraisal systems? The main task of the study was to evaluate the current job performance appraisal system and provide opportunities for the improvement of this organization. In the total anonymous survey involving 66 respondents (a total of 70 people work in the department), of them 21 (32 percent) were women and 45 (68 percent) were men. The study showed that the main criteria on which the performance evaluation is carried out are: the coefficient of labor intensity; the number of technological process errors; the number of violations of labor discipline. Employees are usually evaluated by personal characteristics and technical skills. The obtained results show that this organization is not specifically stated, in terms of what should be seen in the work of employees. The majority of workers are not given feedback on their performance and the study showed that this organization is not specifically stated, according to what is needed to evaluate the work of employees. This means that the work is not designed for performance evaluation of a set of criteria, which will be officially presented to employees and help employees understand what is expected of their work managers. [...]. [From the publication]