LTVadinamoji „šventųjų“ (Heilige) grupė susibūrė Mozūrijoje, Neidenburgo apskrityje (Kreis Neidenburg) XVIII a. pabaigoje ir aktyviausiai veikė Jeručių (Jerutten), Rozogų (Friedrichshof) ir Vilbarko (Willenberg) parapijose. Šiame straipsnyje, remiantis dokumentais, saugomais Slaptajame valstybiniame Prūsijos kultūros paveldo archyve Berlyne, Dahleme (Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preussicher Kulturbesitz, Berlin-Dahlem), aptariama jos veikla. Visų pirma stengiamasi pateikti esminių šios grupės narių veiklos nuostatų ir postulatų rekonstrukcijas. Bandoma atsakyti į klausimą, kokiame laikotarpyje reikėtų ieškoti surinkimininkų (Gemeinschaftsbewegung) veiklos Mozūrijos krašte ištakų. Oficialus santykių nutraukimas su Bažnyčia yra pagrindinė priežastis, dėl kurios autorius pritaria ankstesniems „šventųjų“ fenomeno tyrėjams, priskiriantiems „šventuosius“ netradicinėms religinėms grupėms. Kita vertus, dėl pietistinių šaknų ir daugelio pažiūrų jie gali būti laikomi tiesioginiais surinkimininkų pirmtakais. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Judėjimas; Mozūrija; Prūsijos Lietuva; Rytų Prūsija [East Prussia]; Surinkimininkų (Gemeinschaftsbewegung); 18 amžius; 19 amžius; Šventųjų (Heilige) grupė; „Šventųjų" (Heilige) grupė; 18th–19th centuries; East Prussia; Mazury; Mozury; Prussian Lithuania; The "Group of Saints" (Heilige); The movement of surinkimininkai (Gemeinschaftsbewegung); The „Group of Saints“ (Heilige).
ENThe so-called "Group of Saints" (Heilige) formed in Mazury, in the County of Neidenburg (Kreis Neidenburg), in the late 18th с and was most active in the parishes of Jerutki (Jerutten), Rozogi (Friedrichshof), and Wielbark (Willenberg). The present article, based on the documents stored in Secret State Archives Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation in Berlin-Dahlem, discusses its activities. In particular, an effort is made to present the reconstructions of the essential policies and postulates of the activity of the group members. The author tries to answer the question about the period of time that the activities of "surinkimininkai" (Gemeinschaftsbewegung) in the Land of Mazury started. Lately, in that regard, the mid-19th с has been mentioned most frequently. Can the "Saints" be considered as "surinkimininkai? The idea is refuted by the neglection of the church practice: the refusal to participate in church services, a specific granting of sacrament, banning children from attending schools (which, in the understanding of that time, meant introduction to the truths of faith, preparation for confirmation, and the acceptance to the community of believers), and distrust of the clergy. One should not forget that the key principle and nature of surinkimai was the maintenance of the relationship with the official church, while home worship and different practices were additional means of strengthening the faith. On the other hand, the views of the "Saints" were identical to those of "surinkimininkai" and based on pietism: they believed in the necessity of the ressurection from the Holy Spirit, i.e. spiritual conversion in order to become the members of the group and the importance of adaptation to the formal inner principles.They shared the belief of belonging to the group of the elected (thus, it was genuine elitism) who, due to their conversion and inner renewal, would be saved. In both communities, irrational elements or strong ecstasy cases would occur, as the line between deep prayer and religious passion leading to unpredicted behaviour was easy to overstep. The official secession from the Church is the principal reason which makes the author support the previous researchers of the phenomenon of the "Saints" who attributed the "Saints" to non-traditional religious groups. On the other hand, because of the pietist roots and the majority of their views they can be considered to be direct predecessors of "surinkimininkai". That is why the concept of the "Saints" can not be neglected in the research in the movement of surinkimai in East Prussia. [From the publication]