Šventybės importas ir stebuklo lauko steigtis

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Šventybės importas ir stebuklo lauko steigtis
Alternative Title:
Import of holiness and the establishment of miracle field
In the Journal:
Acta Academiae Artium Vilnensis [AAAV]. 2013, t. 69, p. 11-22. Kultiniai atvaizdai Lietuvos Didžiojoje Kunigaikštystėje: importas ir sklaida
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Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštijos šventųjų atvaizdų importo ir sklaidos procesas nagrinėjamas religijos fenomenologijos požiūriu. Remiantis konkrečiais objektų stebuklingumą liudijančiais diskursais, siekiama atskleisti stebuklo patirčių spektrą ir susidarančias įtampas savumo-kitybės bei pasyvumo-aktyvumo plotmėse. Tokiu būdu kultinis meno kūrinys išryškinamas kaip šventybės apraiška, o jį įtvirtinantys diskursai ir praktikos - kaip stebuklo lauko dalis. Keliama hipotezė, kad kultinio objekto importas yra ne tik viena iš religinių praktikų, kurios metu atsiranda įvairūs draudimai, tabu, bet kartu tai ženklina kertinius šventybės patirties momentus. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Šventybė; Religija; Fenomenologija; Importas; Stebuklai; Holiness; Religion; Phenomenology; Import; Miracle.

ENThe phenomenon of the import and local spread of miraculous images in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (GDL) is discussed using the approach of phenomenology of religion in this article. The main problem is how active and conscious movement of import interact with the devotion to the wholly other, the holiness. In the first part of the article it is noted that this paradox is not exclusively related to the context of the 17-18th centuries GDL. This is a much broader issue which has already been discussed by various religion researchers in different aspects. The particular chosen sources (legends of the origin of miraculous images and books of miracles) was a good material to specify the abstract categories and to find new distinctions. It emerged that the import of holiness can be explained in two ways. On one hand, the transferring of the hierophany is not just travelling from one geographical point to another but also movement in the sacrum-profanum plane. Thus various tensions and taboos emerge which could be explained using oppositions of self-other and activepassive. The models which were discussed in the article (the so-called "forest legends", donation, reproduction, liberation) tried to justify the active movement of import and highlight the initiative of the Other.On the other hand, the content of the miracle books, which tells us about the local spread of the cult and the establishment of the miracle field, showed that the paradox of the import of holiness lies in the phenomenon of miracle itself. What is more, this paradox is the condition of the surviving of the miracle field. There is a permanent strain in the consciousness of the religious person because of the strange experience of the wholly other, the inexplicable and the wish to articulate somehow this experience. The import of the holiness in this context is not only the particular cultural phenomenon but also a symbolic expression of the interrupted intentionality. [From the publication]

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