Ritualiniai metai šiuolaikinėje Lietuvoje: miesto ir kaimo perspektyvos

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Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Ritualiniai metai šiuolaikinėje Lietuvoje: miesto ir kaimo perspektyvos
Alternative Title:
Ritual year in contemporary Lithuania: prospects of city and province
In the Book:
Šventės šiuolaikiniame mieste / sudarytojas Jonas Mardosa. Vilnius: Edukologija, 2013. P. 100-109
Summary / Abstract:

LT2002-2012 metais buvo atliktas fundamentalus Lietuvos papročių tipologinis ir struktūrinis tyrimas, kuriuo siekta nustatyti, kaip ir kokiais pavidalais lietuvių etnosas ir Lietuvos etnines grupės, keičiantis socialinei, ideologinei, ekonominei ir politinei aplinkai XX a. ir XXI a. pradžioje, buitinėse, tautinėse ir etnokultūrinėse tradicijose įprasmino universalias bei lokalines kultūros realijas. Šiame straipsnyje, nagrinėjant advento ir gavėnios papročius, jaunimo persirengėlių vaikštynes ir vedybinius spėjimus, remiantis pusiau struktūruotais interviu ir istorinio geografinio ir lyginamojo metodų teikiamomis galimybėmis, keliamas tikslas atsakyti į klausimą, kaip šie procesai pasireiškė didžiausiame Lietuvos mieste Vilniuje. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Adventas; Ateities spėjimai; Gavėnia; Kalendorinių švenčių persirengėliai; Kalendorinės šventės; Papročiai; Ritualiniai metai; Ritualiniai metai, papročiai, kalendorinės šventės, adventas, gavėnia, ateities spėjimai; Advent; Calendar feasts; Calendar holidays; Conjectures of future; Customs; Lent; Lent time; Masked characters; Ritual year; Ritual year, traditions, calendar festivals, Advent, Lent, marital predictions.

ENIn 2002-2009 a fundamental typological and structural study of Lithuanian traditions was carried out in Lithuanian Institute of History. The aim of the project was to determine how and in what forms Lithuanians and other ethnic groups in Lithuania gave a meaning to universal and local cultural phenomena in everyday, national and ethno-cultural traditions while the social, ideological, economic and political situation was changing in the 20th century and in the beginning of the 21st century. In the project fieldwork in 150 Lithuanian villages and small towns were performed. My task was to examine this process through the analysis of calendar customs. The aim of this article is to answer the question of how these processes occurred in the largest Lithuanian city Vilnius. The aim is pursued via the comparative analysis of Advent and Lent customs, carnival walks and wedding prognostications. The main source of this report is an analysis of fieldwork material collected according to the same questionnaire in Vilnius in 2005, 2007 and 2008, by students of Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences. The comparison of the viewpoint of Lithuanian youth in the province, town and city towards traditional festivals reveals more similarities than differences. However, in the beginning of the 21st century cultural peculiarities of Vilnius citizens differ from those of inhabitants of nearby regions. The analysis of the restrictions for amusement during Advent and Lent periods has proved that the religiousness of young citizens of Vilnius is similar to the one that is noticeable in Žemaitija, an area several hundred kilometres away from Vilnius and citizens of which follow the restrictions for amusement the least, but not to the one present in nearby provinces of Dzūkija and Aukštaitija where the inhabitants share stronger feelings for religiousness and traditions.The comparison of the peculiarities of carnival dressing traditions between the youth in the province and in the capital city refers to the conclusion that this tradition is more varied in Vilnius and not concentrated to Shrove only. It also covers other traditional (Christmas, New Year's Day, the Three Kings Day) and modern festivals, such as Halloween. But from a larger Baltic perspective (the data of Arūnas Vaicekauskas' research) the carnivals of Vilnius citizens are more traditional, and distinguish in traditional characters and connection with calendar festivals. The analysis of marital predictions performed by Vilnius citizens proves that they are less popular in the capital city than in other Lithuanian areas and, moreover, they are more concentrated on a special festival, i.e. Christmas Eve. On the other hand, a variety of marital predictions in Vilnius region is quite equivalent to the predictions performed in the province and small towns. Both in Vilnius city and in smaller areas "time-tested" predictions are more common than modern ones. The latter conclusions drawn by Rasa Paukštytė-Šaknienė are based on the research of youth traditions. Research of the conception of the tradition by contemporary citizens of Vilnius reveals the devotion of young people to the traditions and the need to continue it. That is partly noticeable in this research intended for some aspects of youth ritual year as well. According to the data of my researches the analysis of traditional calendar festivals infers that an apparent differentiation among the festive culture of a contemporary province, town or city cannot be made despite a more distinct of modern culture in the city. [From the publication]

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