LTKomizmas, arba juokingumas, - labai svarbus vaikų literatūros ypatumas. Vaikų literatūros istorijoje ne kartą buvo siūloma komizmą, humorą laikyti specifiniu šio literatūros lauko bruožu. Ir nors teoriškai tai sunku pagrįsti, neabejotina, kad komizmas labai prisideda prie vaikų knygų populiarumo ir dažnai lemia jų komercinę sėkmę. Straipsnyje nagrinėjami keli per pastaruosius du dešimtmečius pasirodę lietuvių autorių kūriniai vaikams, siekiama aptikti vadinamojo naujojo komizmo bruožų, apčiuopti kiekvieno autoriaus komiškojo stiliaus individualumą. Daugiausia dėmesio skiriama kai kurioms Vytautės Žilinskaitės, Vytauto V. Landsbergio ir Rimanto Černiausko knygoms. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Apysaka-pasaka; Komizmas; Literatūrinė pasaka; Nonsensas; Satyra; Vaikų literatūra; Children's literature; Fantasy; Literary fairytale; Nonsense; Satire; The comic.
ENComicality is a significant feature of children's literature; quite often it determines popularity and commercial success of literary works. History of comical works for children is quite old in Lithuania, but there are few works one could treat as classics of this kind. Perhaps the highest rising of comicality in children's literature may be traced in 1970s, when authors successfully imitated and expressed paradoxes of child behaviour, thinking and talking. Comicality of characters and comicality of situations is mostly typical of traditional children's literature. Vytautė Žilinskaitė (b. 1930) is among the most important authors who created many comical characters in the Lithuanian children's literature. Her book "Tiputapė" is analysed in the paper. Poetics of nonsense gained ground in the Lithuanian children's literature during the two last decades. Thus there are reasons to talk about traditional and "new" comicality of contemporary children's literature. Literary works for children by Vytautas V. Landsbergis (b. 1962) are also analysed in the article. Various cases of play with words and language in general are characteristic of his works, while books by Rimantas Černiauskas (1950-2011) impresses with mismatched characters and intertextual hints. [From the publication]