Katalikiškosios mokyklos - krikščionybės įkultūrinimo veiksnys

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Katalikiškosios mokyklos - krikščionybės įkultūrinimo veiksnys
Alternative Title:
Catholic schools - factor of christianity inculturation
In the Journal:
Opera theologorum Samogitarum. 2013, 1, p. 157-171
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje pristatomos katalikiškosios mokyklos, kaip svarbus krikščionybės įkultūrinimo veiksnys. Apžvelgiama krikščioniškųjų ugdymo institucijų genezė, šių mokyklų ištakos ir raidos bruožai Lietuvoje bei vaidmuo formuojantis mūsų šalies švietimo sistemai. Aptariamas jėzuitiškojo švietimo įsitvirtinimas, pijoriškosios ugdymo idėjos ir jų mokyklos, valstybinės mokyklų reformos nulemti pokyčiai bei katalikiškasis ugdymas carinės Rusijos ir Vokietijos okupacijos metais. Šiame kontekste katalikiškoji mokykla atsiskleidžia kaip išskirtinis reiškinys Lietuvos įkrikščioninimo ir švietimo istorijoje. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Bažnyčia; Jėzuitų mokyklos; Jėzuitų ordinas; Katalikiška mokykla; Katalikiškos mokyklos; Katedrų mokyklos; Krikščioniškas ugdymas; Parapijinės mokyklos; Pijorų mokyklos; Rusifikacija; Vienuolynas; Vienuolynų mokyklos; Įkultūrinimas; Cathedral schools; Catholic school; Catholic schools; Christian education; Church; Convent schools; Inculturation; Jesuit schools; Monastery; Orden of the Jesuits; Parish schools; Pijar schools; Russification.

ENEducational activity is one of the most important missions of the Church. History shows that education has always been its integral part in salvation work. The sources of catholic schools go back to the early Christianity – the catechumenate of the firs ages which functioned already as an organized institution since the middle of the second century. Christian education was further developed by parish schools where local priests took care of the youth education. A very important contribution in the sphere of catholic schools was made by monastery and cathedral schools. After the disappearance of antique educational institutions, they became the main educational centers in the society. The curriculum in such schools was based on the program of seven liberal arts – trivium and quadrivium – which became the main education model in the Middle Ages since VIII century. A very high educational level in such schools was stipulated by the continuation of traditions, sequence and universal attitude. As a result some of such schools developed into famous European universities. Catholic schools in Lithuania gave the beginning for all educational institutions and their development. In the course of time its role gradually increased in Lithuania and the school constantly developed and changed. The sources of catholic schools can be observed soon after the baptism of Lithuania - the written sources of XIV century mention a school which functioned in Vilnius cathedral in 1397. At that time in Lithuania as well as in all Europe education belonged to cultural sphere which was under supervision of the Church.Obliged by bishops church rectors established parish schools in their parsonages where Lithuanian, Polish, reading, writing, arithmetic and religion were taught. Up to XVI century a parish school was the main educational institution in Lithuania. In the times of Reformation education became one of the most important tools in ideological arguments when protestant education began to spread in Lithuania. The catholic position in this country was especially strengthened by the activities of the Orden of the Jesuits under influence of which the catholic school in Lithuania obtained the status of a college where the curriculum and methods were the same as in Europe. In XVII-XVIII centuries Jesuitical colleges were the main cultural and social centers in their areas. When Vilnius College received the rights of European universities the system of institutional education started to function in Lithuania. The primary education and the establishment of such schools were under the supervision of other monasteries and local priests. The VIII century marked considerable quantitative and qualitative changes in catholic schools and in Lithuanian education system in general. From the qualitative point of view two main aspects can be pointed out: the involvement of the Orden of the Pijars into educational system and the state reform of schools. [...]. [From the publication]

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