Pranciškaus Mikutaičio kūriniai

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Pranciškaus Mikutaičio kūriniai
In the Journal:
Menotyra. 2006, Nr. 2 (43), p. 18-24
Summary / Abstract:

LTPranciškaus (Prano) Mikutaičio (1890–1988) asmuo neišvengiamai asocijuojasi su skulptoriumi Vincu Grybu, jo dramatišku likimu. Dalis visuomenės, ypač Jurbarko, P. Mikutaitį laiko talentingu užmirštu menininku. Šio straipsnio tikslas yra identifikuoti ir pristatyti P. Mikutaičio kūrybą, apibūdinti jos reikšmę. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Kryždirbystė; Sakralinė dailė; Rūpintojėlis; Mikutaitis Pranciškus.

ENPranciškus Mikutaitis (1890–1988) is one of the most significant and versatile church artists of the Jurbarkas region who produced retables, sculptures, crosses and paintings. He made a distinct contribution to the decoration of churches, churchyards and cemeteries in Užnemunė and other regions of Lithuania. It is worth noting that many Mikutaitis’ paintings and carvings were executed in the 1940s and 1970s. From the artistic point of view, Mikutaitis’ work is not uniform. Though his works, especially religious sculptures and crosses, are classified as objects of folk art, sometimes they display a great mastery, which is an innovation in traditional woodcarving. On the other hand, a deliberate folk stylization and density of folk ornaments can be traced in his works of wood. With his lavishly decorated crosses Mikutaitis seems to have set the standard for the Pavasarininkai (a Catholic youth organization) cross. In the interwar years, putting up of ornamented crosses became a cherished tradition in various localities of Lithuania. Having produced sculptures of Christ in Distress for three decades since the late 1950s Mikutaitis, with the aid of clergymen and laypeople, might have had a decisive role in the popularization of the subject of Christ in Distress in Lithuania. His works spread outside of Lithuania as well. It is not certain whether the sculptor Vincas Grybas would have succeeded in realizing many of his sculptural projects, if he had not had such a skilful assistant as Mikutaitis by his side. Their joint work in 1929 and 1934 may be considered as a distinctive example of an exceptionally productive cooperation in the artistic life of Independent Lithuania.

1392-1002; 2424-4708
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