Gotfrydo Ostermejerio prierašai Jokūbo Brodovskio rankraščiuose: "Litauische Sprichwörter und Rätsel" ir "Lexicon Germanico-Lithuanicum et Lithuanico-Germanicum"

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Gotfrydo Ostermejerio prierašai Jokūbo Brodovskio rankraščiuose: "Litauische Sprichwörter und Rätsel" ir "Lexicon Germanico-Lithuanicum et Lithuanico-Germanicum"
Alternative Title:
Gottfried Ostermeyer's inscriptions in the manuscripts of Jacob Brodowski: "Litauische Sprichwörter und Rätsel" and "Lexicon Germanico-Lithuanicum et Lithuanico-Germanicum"
In the Journal:
Acta linguistica Lithuanica. 2012, t. 67, p. 23-51
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojama rankraštinio priežodžių, patarlių ir mįslių rinkinio „Litauische Sprichworter und Ratsel" (PR), saugomo Lietuvos mokslų akademijos Vrublevskių bibliotekoje (LMAVB RS: F 137-1), autorystės problema. Tarp pagrindinio sudarytojo - Trempų (Darkiemio aps.) precentoriaus Jokūbo Brodovskio - įrašytos smulkiosios tautosakos vienetų rankraštyje rasta Gotfrydo Ostermejerio prierašų: 16 vokiškų ir 11 lietuviškų frazių. Straipsnio tikslas - įvertinti Ostermejerio prierašus kaip rinkinio makrostruktūros ir makrostruktūros elementus, nustatyti santykius su ankstesniais lietuviškais šaltiniais, išskirti tuos prierašus, kurie lietuvių raštijos istorijoje užfiksuoti pirmą kartą. Straipsnyje aptariami ir Ostermeįerio prierašai Brodovskio žodyne „Lexicon Germanico-Lithvanicvm et Lithvanico-Germanicvm" (B; LMAVB RS: F 137-15), analizuojamos Ostermejerio prierašų kalbos ypatybės. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Gotfrydas Ostermejeris; Jokūbas Brodovskis; Mažoji Lietuva; Smulkioji tautosaka; Patarlės; Gottfried Ostermeyer; Jacob Brodowski; Lithuania Minor; Small folklore; Proverbs.

ENarticle addresses the problem of authorship of the manuscript collection of sayings, proverbs and riddles "Litauische Sprichworter und Ratsel" (PR) kept at the Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences (LMAVB RS: F 137-1). Amidst the units of small folklore recorded by the principal compiler of the manuscript - precentor of Trempen (Darkehmen County) Jacob Brodowski (1692-1744) - the inscriptions made by Gottfried Ostermeyer (1716-1800; from 1744 - precentor of Trempen, from 1752 - priest) can also be found: 16 German and 11 Lithuanian phrases. The article also discusses Ostermeyer's inscriptions in Brodowski s dictionary "Lexicon Germanico-Lithvanicvm el Lithvanico-Germanicvm" (В; LMAVB RS: F 137-15) and analyses the linguistic peculiarities of Ostermeyer's inscriptions in PR and B. 1775 can be considered terminus ad цист of Ostermeyer's inscriptions in PR and B; therefore, the inscriptions may be considered earlier Ostermeyer's autographs compared to those previously known and dated 1781-1797. Most of Ostermeyer's inscriptions are related to Brodowski's entries in the collection "Litauische Sprichworter und Ratsel" by vertical relations and comprise the collection's macrostructure. Eight Lithuanian units of small folklore are absent in B, thus making Ostermeyer rather than Brodowski their actual recorder. Of them, seven Lithuanian - six proverbs and one riddle - were recorded for the first time. They had not been recorded in earlier works of the Lithuanian written language; they were most likely recorded by Ostermeyer from the living language. Ostermeyer's language is attributed to the south-western Aukštaitian (Highlander) subdialect by the feature which is traditionally considered the principal distinctive feature of such sub-dialect: a comparatively intact vocalism of unstressed endings.Though the reduction of long endings and the morphological shortening of a word ending are also a characteristic feature of Ostermeyer's language, however, it is not as evident as in Brodowski's language. [From the publication]

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